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Information for Healthcare Providers

Recommended and Required Exams

Recommended: Domestic Refugee Screening
• Detailed information on refugee medical screening procedures by the CDC Domestic Refugee Health Program.

Required: Overseas Medical Exam and Adjustment of Status “Green Card” Exam
• Frequently asked questions and answers about the overseas medical exam and the adjustment of status exam.

Form for Indiana Initial Refugee Health Assessment

Instructions for completing the TB Follow-up Worksheet

Slides from the 2009 Refugee Health Conference, Healthcare in the Global Village: Serving Refugees in Indiana

Practicing Medicine in the Global Village Joys and Challenges

Intestinal Nematodes and Eosinophilia

HealthPartners Center for International Health Care Delivery Model

Latent TB Infection

Refugee Resettlement Process

Mental Health Issues in Work with Immigrants and Refugees

Screening Forms and TB follow up worksheet

Chronic hepatitis B - June 8, 1009

Cultural Competence Building Bridges between Immigrant Communities

Human Rights, Health and Refugees

Refugee Initial Assessment Clinical Guidelines
Coming Soon

Culturally Competent Care

For Your Information
• The EthnoMed site contains information about cultural beliefs, medical issues and other related issues pertinent
to the health care of recent refugees to the United States. http://ethnomed.org/

Health Issues for Specific Indiana Refugee Populations
This information is intended to better prepare and inform state refugee coordinators, state refugee health coordinators, local resettlement organizations and health care providers.  Please see:  http://www.globalhealth.gov/global-health-topics/



Health Education Materials for Refugees
• Medline Plus
 Extensive database of health information in multiple languages.

• Health Information Translations
 Quality medical information in multiple languages. Searchable by keyword or language.

• Ethnomed Patient Education Resources
 Patient education materials available in a variety of different languages. Some are PDF and available for free download.

• Selected Patient Information in Asian Languages
 Patient information documents created by non-profit health agencies and  organizations searchable by topic and by language (Asian languages only).

Refugee Mental Health
• Issues and resources in refugee mental health
• The Harvard Program in Refugee Trauma-
Harvard School of Public health program pioneering the health and mental health care of traumatized refugees.

• Center for Victims of Trauma
Provides services directly to torture survivors  in the US and Africa including medical and psychological treatment and social services. They also train professionals who work with survivors and refugees.

Refugee Health Technical Assistance Center
Designed to help physicians understand health issues of refugee populations, including: tropical health, overseas medical examination requirements, reporting requirements for communicable diseases, and awareness of reimbursement options for medical services.