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Food Assistance Programs (TEFAP) and (CSFP)

The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP)

Commodity food is made available by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to States. States provide the food to local agencies that they have selected, usually food banks, which in turn, distribute the food to soup kitchens and food pantries that directly serve the public. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) buys the food, including processing and packaging, and ships it to the States. The amount received by each State depends on its low-income and unemployed population. State agencies are allowed some flexibilities in determining the details of administration and distribution.

States select local organizations that either directly distribute to households or serve meals or distribute to other local organizations that perform these functions. To receive services in the program, an applicant must reside within the designated service area of the food outlet, have gross household income of no more than 185% of current federal poverty income guidelines, and provide name, address, household size and attestation of income. For more information, contact WIC Commodities Programs at 800-522-0874 or the designated Eligible Recipient Agency (ERA), from the TEFAP Map below, directly.


Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP)


CSFP is a federally funded program that works to improve the health of low-income elderly people at least 60 years of age by supplementing their diets with nutritious USDA commodity food. Each program participant receives a monthly food package containing a variety of food item.

United States Department of Agriculture Food and Nutrition Service (USDA FNS) allocates each participating state or tribal organization a specific number of caseload “slots”, which is the maximum number of food packages that may be issued each month. USDA FNS determines the types of food that may be included in the monthly food package.

To participate in CSFP, an applicant must reside within the Local Agency CSFP service area, be at least 60 years of age, have gross household income not more than 130% of current federal poverty income guidelines, and complete an application process. If all caseload slots are filled, eligible applicants are placed on a waiting list. Those on a waiting list are served in order of application as caseload slots becomes available. For more information, contact WIC Commodities Programs at 800-522-0874 or the designated Local Agency, from the CSFP Map below, directly.

