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Indiana Women, Infants, and Children Program
COVID-19 Updates
*Indiana WIC has been made aware of a supply disruption with GGS Gentle 12.7 oz. can orange label and GGS Soothe 12.4oz. can purple label. Due to this disruption you may notice a shortage of GGS on store shelves. For alternative options contact your local WIC clinic.
Indiana WIC remains committed to serving families and continuing daily operations during the COVID-19 pandemic. Please be aware WIC local agencies have been given the flexibility to complete WIC appointments over the telephone. These appointments include enrollment, recertification, nutrition education/issuing benefits, breastfeeding support and referrals to other services. Currently, WIC operations will vary by region/WIC local agency so please contact your local WIC clinic directly for additional details or questions. You can find your local WIC clinic by using the “WIC Clinic Locations List” OR “WIC Clinic Locations Map” in the drop-down list to the left.
Contact the state WIC office at 1-800-522-0874
Indiana WIC would like to share the Indiana Family and Social Services Administration (FSSA) and the Indiana Division of Mental Health and Addiction (DMHA) Be Well Indiana initiative that will help support Hoosiers during this unprecedented time. The Be Well Indiana initiative is focused primarily on resources to help Hoosiers manage their mental health throughout the COVID-19 crisis, including links to trusted news sources, tips for staying healthy and safe at home, access to addiction recovery support and more. Information and resources can be found at
Interested in volunteering at one of Indiana’s food banks and/or other charitable food distribution sites – visit
Indiana WIC - Food and Nutrition Service (USDA-FNS) Approved COVID-19 Waivers through August 18, 2021.
Physical Presence requirement waived
Remote Issuance requirement waived
Separation of Duties requirement waived
Cash Value Benefit (CVB) Update
Indiana WIC is excited to share that as part of the American Rescue Plan state WIC agencies can temporarily increase the cash value benefit to purchase fruits and vegetables up to $35 per child and adult, per month. These additional funds will be applied to benefits that have a start date of June 1, 2021 through September 30, 2021. Full details related to the increased cash value benefit can be found here.
Vendor Update
*Indiana WIC has been made aware of a supply disruption with GGS Gentle 12.7 oz. can orange label and GGS Soothe 12.4oz. can purple label. Due to this disruption you may notice a shortage of GGS on store shelves. For alternative options contact your local WIC clinic.
- Vendor Notice 20-2 - Indiana WIC Response to COVID-19
- Vendor Notice 21-1 - WIC CVB Increase
- Indiana WIC Vendor Questions and Answers
The state vendor team has been in contact with many Indiana WIC vendors and distributors regarding increased demand and any reported supply shortages. We continue to support efforts for increased inventory availability and we encourage smart shopping during this time.
Q: What agency should I contact if I suspect price manipulation or discriminatory pricing associated with the COVID-19 pandemic for meat or poultry commodities at the wholesale level?
A: The AMS Packers and Stockyards Division monitors industry activities and conducts regulatory compliance reviews and investigations to determine whether subject persons and firms are complying with the Packers and Stockyards Act (P&S Act) and regulations. You should contact the AMS Packers and Stockyards Division at
Q: What agency should I contact if I suspect price fixing, bid rigging, market allocation, or other fraudulent and illegal schemes associated with the COVID-19 pandemic for other wholesale commodities such as eggs, dairy, or produce?
A: If these commodities are part of interstate commerce, you should contact the U.S. Department of Justice or the Federal Trade Commission. More information can be found at and You may submit a complaint directly to the Department of Justice’s Antitrust Division at
Q: What agency should I contact if I suspect price gouging associated with the COVID-19 pandemic at the retail level for consumers?
A: In this case, you should contact your state Attorney General’s office. More information can be found at which provides a host of consumer protection information from the state and territory attorneys general, including actions attorneys general are taking to protect consumers during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) Update
Indiana TEFAP has provided guidance regarding modifications in food distribution strategies to food banks, food pantries and soup kitchens to safeguard their workforce and continue essential delivery of foods. These strategies include:
- Pre-packaging of foods
- Drive-thru options for pickup
- Proper sanitation practices such as handwashing and sterilization of high contact exchange points
- Social distancing
- Communication to participants regarding changes in distribution methods
How do I find a Food Bank?
- Contact the TEFAP Food Bank serving your county
Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP) Update
Indiana CSFP has provided guidance to local agencies regarding modifications in food distribution strategies during this time.
- Allowing an increase in distribution of foods
- Proper sanitation practices such as handwashing and sterilization of high contact exchange points
- Social distancing
- Communication to participants regarding changes in distribution methods
In response to the increased need for local food assistance, Indiana WIC would like to share a new tool developed by the Indiana Family and Social Services Administration (FSSA) that will make it easier for families to find food resources near their home. The tool includes two types of organizations shown on the map: food pantries and meal sites. Food pantries are locations where Hoosiers can pick up groceries to prepare and use at their homes. Meal sites serve packed meals that are ready to take home and eat.
The 2020 Farmers' Market season is officially closed.
Breastfeeding Support Update
USDA established the WIC Loving Support Award of Excellence in 2014 to recognize local WIC agencies that have provided exemplary breastfeeding promotion and support activities. The intent is to provide models and motivate other local agencies to strengthen their breastfeeding promotion and support activities and ultimately increase breastfeeding initiation, exclusivity, and duration rates among WIC participants. The award is given at three levels of performance that build on one another: Gold, Gold Premiere, and Gold Elite.
This approach recognizes three groups of agencies that include those that are demonstrating model practices, as well as those who are at varying stages of implementing exemplary breastfeeding promotion and support practices. To receive the Gold Award, local WIC agencies must complete an application which evaluates the policies and procedures surrounding breastfeeding promotion and support, the Breastfeeding Peer Counselor program, and partnerships with local hospitals and other organizations working toward similar breastfeeding goals. The Gold Premiere and Gold Elite Awards require an additional application to be completed, and local agencies must also have a fully Breastfeeding category of at least 15% for two consecutive years for the Premiere and at least 40% for the Elite.
Indiana WIC local agencies have been hard at work over the past 5 years to put these best practices in place for breastfeeding promotion and support, and several agencies have been recognized for achieving these awards.
- IU Health Monroe & Greene counties (2019)
- Neighborhood Health Clinics—Allen, Noble & Dekalb counties (2020)
- Tippecanoe County (2020)
- Whitley County (2020)
- Marion County (2017)
- Neighborhood Health Clinics—Allen, Noble, & Dekalb counties (2018)
- Elkhart County (2019)
- Interlocal Community Action Program—Henry & Hancock counties (2019)
- Johnson County (2019)
- New Hope Services—Bartholomew, Clark, Jackson, Jefferson, Jennings & Scott Counties (2019)
- Whitley County (2019)
- Community Action Program of Western Indiana—Benton, Fountain, Montgomery, Vermillion & Warren counties (2020)
- Community & Family Services—Adams, Blackford, Huntington, Jay, Randolph & Wells counties (2020)
- IU Health Morgan county (2020)
- Memorial Health System—St. Joseph County (2020)
- Northwest Indiana Community Action—Lake, Porter, LaPorte, Jasper, Pulaski & Newton counties (2020)
- Western Indiana Community Action Agency—Parke, Vigo & Sullivan counties (2020)
Indiana WIC continues to support communication, messaging and resources focused on the breastfeeding. Local WIC agencies and staff have received information on important things to consider as they provide breastfeeding support. Please contact your local WIC clinic directly for additional details or questions for services in your area. Some useful resources are below:
- Office on Women's Health Helpline: 9am-6pm EST, M-F, 1-800-994-9662
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Hotline/ Disaster Distress: 1-800-985-5990 or text TalkWithUs to 66746. (TTY 1-800-846-8517)
- International Breastfeeding Helplines--KellyMom
- Postpartum Support International Helpline
- La Leche League Relactation
- Infant feeding in Emergency Situations
- KellyMom Relactation
Indiana State Department of Health - COVID-19 Information
*This is a rapidly changing situation – new updates will be posted as needed. Updated as of 5/25/21.
Download The New INWIC App Today
INWIC App Quick Reference Guide (Spanish Version)
Search "INWIC" or "Indiana WIC" at the App Store or Google Play!
- Check benefit balance
- Scan UPC Codes while shopping to see if the item is WIC approved
- Get alerts for appointment reminders and expiring benefits
- Find WIC approved stores and the nearest WIC clinic
Privacy Policy for Indiana WIC Mobile Application
Indiana WIC Clients Now Receive Benefits Using the New EBT Card (Electronic Benefits Transfer) Looks Like a Debit Card and is Loaded with all Eligible Family's WIC Benefits!
Check to see if You May be Eligible for WIC:
WIC Prescreening Tool
WIC (Women, Infants, and Children) is a nutrition program, nationally recognized as an effective means for:
Improving access to nutritious foods, and
- Promoting healthier eating and lifestyles
- Links to General Income Eligibility Brochure: (English) (Spanish)
- Check to see if you may be eligible for WIC benefits
- How to apply for WIC
The Indiana WIC Program currently serves an average of 145,000 women, infants, and children each month through a statewide network of 140 WIC clinics. Indiana WIC supports $105 million in food sales at more than 600 Indiana WIC-authorized grocery stores and pharmacies.
WIC Provides:
- Nutrition and health screening and assessment
- Nutrition education and counseling
- Breastfeeding promotion and support
- Referrals to other Indiana health, family, and social services
- Supplemental healthy foods designed to meet special nutrition needs
Program Documents
- 2021 WIC State Goals and Objectives
- 2020 Program Booklet - English
- 2020 Program Booklet - Spanish
- 2020 Program Booklet - Burmese
Contact information
(Follow us on Twitter @IndianaWIC.)
For questions regarding the WIC Program, please call 1-800-522-0874, or email
You can also contact the Indiana WIC program by mail:
Indiana WIC Program
Indiana State Department of Health
2 North Meridian Street, Section
Indianapolis, Indiana 46204
In accordance with Federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its Agencies,
offices, and employees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA.
Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication for program information (e.g. Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language, etc.), should contact the Agency (State or local) where they applied for benefits. Individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339. Additionally, program information may be made available in languages other than English.
To file a program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, (AD-3027) found online at: How to File a Complaint, and at any USDA office, or write a letter addressed to USDA and provide in the letter all of the information requested in the form. To request a copy of the complaint form, call (866) 632-9992. Submit your completed form or letter to USDA by:
(1) mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights
1400 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, D.C. 20250-9410;
(2) fax: (202) 690-7442; or
(3) email: