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Integrated Community Services
The Integrated Community Services (ICS) Section within the Children’s Special Health Care Services Program at the Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH) strives to improve access to quality, comprehensive, coordinated community-based systems of services for children and youth with special health care needs (CYSHCN) that are family-centered and culturally competent.
Our mission to integrate and improve systems of care for CYSHCN is based on the six national priorities identified by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau and its partners to promote community-based systems of services mandated for all CYSHCN under Title V, Healthy People 2010, and the President’s New Freedom Initiative (NFI). These six priorities are:
- Families of CYSHCN will partner in decision making at all levels and will be satisfied with the services they receive.
- CYSHCN will receive regular ongoing comprehensive care within a medical home.
- Families of CYSHCN will have adequate private/public insurance to pay for the services they need.
- Children will be screened early and continuously for special health care needs.
- Community-based service systems will be organized in ways that families can use them easily.
- Youth with special health care needs will receive the services necessary to make appropriate transitions to all aspects of adult life, including adult health care, work, and independence.