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The Data Analysis Team (DAT) is currently composed of three team members and two principal activities: annual reports and data sources.
We prepare six annual reports on the health status and demographics of Indiana residents. These reports are used by legislators and health professionals to make critical decisions affecting the health and well-being of the citizens of Indiana. They provide information on births, deaths, marriages, maternal and child health, and other public health matters.
Annual Reports and Data Sources
- The Indiana Natality Report
- The Indiana Mortality Report
- The Indiana Marriage Report
- The Indiana Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Outcomes Report
- Hospital Discharge Data
Interactive Query Tools & Dashboards
These tools incorporate a sub-section of data provided in the annual mortality and natality reports. All dashboards include data for seven years (2013-2019). The most current year for final data is 2019.
- Number of Live Births and Age-Specific Birth Rates
- Birth Outcomes
- Deaths from 39 Selected Causes
- Infant Mortality
- Deaths from Selected Injury and Poisoning Causes
Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS)
We also prepare annual BRFSS reports, newsletters, and fact sheets on health risks, prevention efforts, and chronic disease in Indiana. This information is used by various program areas throughout the Agency to measure the health status of Hoosiers and assess our progress toward better health behaviors. The data also allow comparisons with other states and national standards.