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Geographic Data

The Public Health Geographics Program develops and maintains various types of geographic datasets (GIS layers) and provides access through web applications including our directories for Health Statistics, Health Resources, and Health Designations.

Explore Data with the Open GeoData Portal

Statistics Explorer

County statistics for various diseases, conditions and events collected from programs from within and outside the agency.  Visualize the stats on charts and maps or download in a table.


Resources Explorer

Locations of health-related activities and services collected from programs within and outside the agency.  Map locations, download table, or summarize number of sites by county.


Geo-Data Overview

The Public Health Geographics Program develops and maintains various types of geographic datasets (GIS layers) including those describing health resources and designations.  These types are data are often shared with partners and can be redistributed as needed.  Descriptions of each GIS layer are available below along with links to tools for viewing the layers (e.g. Esri ArcGIS On-line and Google Maps).  Please feel free to contact PHG if you have additional questions or find errors within the data.

The PHG program maintains a collection of Health Resource locations (points) for health-based activities throughout the state of Indiana to support the mission of all ISDH program areas. Addresses are collected from ISDH program areas or other health partners and integrated into the PHG address-normalized database. PHG provides regular snapshots of selected resource types through publicly-available web services.  Specific resource types can be selected by querying the web service or utilizing pre-configured layer files.  Query strings for each resource type are available in the resource list below.  Note that more than one resource type can exist at a given location, thus creating stacked or overlapping points.  Alternatively, a pivoted resource layer is available that provides a single record (a single non-overlapping point) per unique PHG-standardized address.  This pivoted layer also indicates resource types at the address.

Each resource location (point) maintained by PHG has a corresponding set of service areas:  average 5 minute drive time, average 15 minute drive time, average 30 minute drive time, 5 mile linear buffer, 15 mile linear buffer, and 30 mile linear buffer.  Currently, the fields for resource service areas are the same as the point-based resource layer.  Service areas within a layer or query result by resource type are not merged with other overlapping service areas.  Users of the layers should consider only retrieving features from the server by service area type or for a single resource.  Review the fields description list below to find the domain of values with which resource service area types can be queried.

The PHG program maintains a collection of Health Designations (areas) for health-related activities including specific districts and regions used by specific ISDH programs and health partners.  Other types of designations include health professional shortage areas and medically underserved areas.  Data descriptions of designations will be available soon.

Geo-Data for ISDH GIS Users

PHG maintains and provides an Oracle SDO geo-database comprised of various program-based information. This includes information regarding health resources, service areas and designations. Data are available to ArcGIS software users and Oracle developers. For instructions on connecting to the PHG geo-database, please contact the ERC PHG program.

Geo-Data for State Agencies

PHG maintains and provides a snapshot of selected health information from the PHG geo-database. This includes information regarding health resources, service areas and designations. Data are available through the State GIO ArcSDE Geo-Library. For instructions on connecting to the Geo-Library with ArcGIS software, please visit the State GIS SharePoint site or contact your agencies GIS Coordinator.

Geo-Data for Developers

PHG maintains and provides a snapshot of selected health information from the PHG geo-database. This includes information regarding health resources, service areas and designations. Data are available through services hosted by the State GIO GIS Server. Services can be used directly by ArcGIS software users and web-based developers.

REST Feature Service:

REST Map Service:

ArcGIS .LYR Files - Beta Version (without metadata):
https://gis.in.gov/apps/isdh/meta/ISDH_PHG_Web_Layers.zip (6.6mb)


Data Disclaimer

The Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH) provides these geographic data “as is” and the user accepts the data “as is”, and assumes all risks associated with its use. ISDH believes the data to be reasonably accurate, but cannot and does not warranty it to be so. ISDH further makes no warranties, either expressed or implied as to any other matter whatsoever, including, without limitation, the condition of any product, or its fitness for any particular purpose. The burden for determining fitness for use lies entirely with the user. Although these data have been processed successfully using the data processing technology of ISDH, no warranty, expressed or implied, is made by ISDH regarding any capability to use these data on any other system, nor does the fact of distribution constitute or imply any such warranty. In no event shall ISDH have any liability whatsoever for payment of any consequential, incidental, indirect, special, or tort damages of any kind, including, but not limited to, any loss of profits arising out of or reliance on the geographic data or arising out of the delivery, installation, operation, or support by ISDH.  Acknowledgement of the Indiana State Department of Health Public Health Geographics (ISDH PHG) as the source of the digital data must be cited on any graphic reproduction of the data.


Page last reviewed: November 14, 2016