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Our mission is to promote, protect, and improve the health of identified Hoosier newborns with genetic conditions and birth defects.
GNBS envisions a state that values and acknowledges genetics in healthcare by offering Hoosier newborns, children, and their families equitable resources and opportunities to reach their health potential.
What is the Genomics and Newborn Screening Program?
The Genomics and Newborn Screening Program (GNBS) is a program within the Indiana Department of Health that houses the Indiana Birth Defects and Problems Registry (IBDPR) and Newborn Screening program. The GNBS Program is responsible for ensuring timely and quality newborn screening occurs for each and every Hoosier baby. Visit our IBDPR Program and Newborn Screening Program pages for more information.
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Important Updates for Genomics and Newborn Screening Stakeholders
03/2021: Newborn Screening Training Modules Available on IN-Train! The GNBS Program has launched 6 new trainings on the IN-Train website. These trainings are intended for multiple different roles in the newborn healthcare setting. View the Provider Education page for information about the available trainings and instructions on how to enroll.
02/2021: Attend a Newborn Pulse Oximetry Updates Webinar! The GNBS Program is offering a Newborn Pulse Oximetry Updates Webinar every week through June 2021. This webinar is offered to allow birthing facility and hospital staff ample time to become familiar with the impending changes to pulse oximetry screening that will go into effect on July 1, 2021. Register to attend a webinar today!
02/2021: The IBDPR Reportable Conditions List has been updated. The revised list can be found on our Resources for Providers page.
02/2021: The NBDPN Birth Defect Prevention materials have been updated. View them on our Birth Defect Prevention page.
01/2021: The Newborn Screening Care Coordination Request for Applications (RFA) has been posted! Visit the Indiana Maternal and Child Health Funding Opportunities page for more information.
01/2021: The Winter GNBS Newsletter has been released! The GNBS program is recognizing January as birth defects prevention awareness month by tailoring the content within the Winter GNBS Newsletter to relate to birth defect prevention and overall birth defect awareness! Navigate to our Newsletters page to view this issue and previous issues of the GNBS newsletter. Click here to sign up to receive GNBS updates and notification of our future GNBS newsletters!
10/2020: New Monthly Summary Report (MSR) training session available! The Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) program has partnered with GNBS to provide a MSR training presentation for all MSR submitters. View a recording of the previous training session. Or attend one of the upcoming sessions: October 28, 2020 12-1pm or December 4, 2020 12-1pm. Contact us to receive an invite to the upcoming sessions.
09/2020: The Newborn Screening Conditions List has been revamped! This version of the NBS Conditions List now includes our newly added conditions that are detected through newborn screening in Indiana.
09/2020: Fall GNBS Newsletter has been released! This issue of the GNBS newsletter recognizes September as newborn screening awareness month. Navigate to our Newsletters page to view this issue and previous issues of the GNBS newsletter. Click here to sign up to recieve GNBS updates and future GNBS newsletters!
08/2020: New NBS education materials now available! There are 4 new handouts now available on our website. We now have a NBS Keepsake Handout (en español), Heel Stick Bloodspot Handout (en español), Pulse Oximetry Handout (en español), and Hearing Screen Handout (en español). The NBS Keepsake Handouts are sent directly from the NBS Laboratory to each birthing facility. If you need more NBS Keepsake Handouts for your birthing facility, please email the NBS Lab or call them at 317-321-2495. Feel free to print and distribute all other handouts as desired. Let us know if you would like handouts sent directly to your facility.
04/2020: COVID-19 NBS Updates from the American Academy of Pediatrics - ISDH encourages healthcare providers and other GNBS stakeholders to review the Guidance on Newborn Screening During COVID-19 and other related critical updates on health care for children during the COVID-19 pandemic. For more information on GNBS and COVID-19, view our Spring Newsletter.
Page last revised on 03/12/2021 by JHaller