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New! Virtual GNBS Trainings are now available through IN-Train!

We are excited to announce the launch of our virtual Newborn Screening Training Modules through IN-Train! Each training has been developed with various newborn screening stakeholders in mind. Through these new trainings we aim to provide education to various healthcare professionals ranging from birthing facility staff, primary care providers, midwives, and any other health professionals who wish to learn more about newborn screening. By housing our trainings on the IN-Train website, it allows our NBS Stakeholders to have 24/7 access to trainings.

Please take a moment to set up an IN-Train account, and then search for the course by typing in the course ID. Please be sure to complete the assessment and evaluation after completing each training as this will generate your Certificate of Course Completion.

The following trainings will be available for use by any hospital staff, midwife, physician, or other newborn health professional:

  • Indiana Newborn Screening Policy Guidelines Training (Course ID 1095965)
    • Description: This training is designed to educate hospital leadership, nurses, physicians, and other stakeholders about the policies and guidelines for Indiana newborn screening.
    • Purpose: This training exists to provide stakeholders with an overview of the policies and guidelines that must be met to fulfill state mandates for Indiana newborn screening.
    • Note: This training does not cover the policies and guidelines for the hearing screen. Please contact the Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) program for assistance.
  • Indiana After Heel Stick Training (Course ID 1095970)
    • Description: This training is designed to educate newborn screening stakeholders about the process after completing the heel stick screening.
    • Purpose: This training exists to provide guidance about what role you play in newborn screening and to improve the timeliness and effectiveness of the newborn screening process.
  • Indiana INSTEP Monthly Summary Reporting (MSR) Training (Course ID 1095938)
    • Description: This training is designed to educate monthly summary report (MSR) submitters about how to complete heel stick and pulse oximetry newborn screening MSRs.
    • Purpose: This training exists to increase MSR reporter knowledge of monthly summary reporting for heel stick and pulse oximetry newborn screening exceptions in INSTEP.
    • Note: This training does not cover MSRs for the newborn hearing screen within EARS. Please contact the Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) program for assistance with MSRs for the newborn hearing screen.
  • Indiana Heel Stick Quality Training (Course ID 1095935)
    • Description: This training is designed to educate newborn screening stakeholders about the process after completing the heel stick screening.
    • Purpose: This training exists to provide guidance about what role you play in newborn screening and to improve the timeliness and effectiveness of the newborn screening process. 
  • Indiana Newborn Screening Process Training (Course ID 1095990)
    • Description: This training is designed to educate hospital staff, midwives, primary care physicians, and other newborn health professionals about the newborn screening process in Indiana. This training will discuss the IDOH Genomics and Newborn Screening Program, give an overview of what must be done prior to newborn screening, give the guidelines for performing the three newborn screens (heel stick, pulse oximetry and hearing screen), and discuss what must be done once the screenings have been completed.
    • Purpose: This training exists to provide stakeholders with an overview of the newborn screening process in Indiana in an effort to improve the timeliness and quality of newborn screening.
  • Indiana Newborn Screening Pulse Oximetry Updates Webinar (Course ID 1095991)
    • Description: Webinar to discuss the changes that will be made to pulse oximetry screening protocol that go into effect on July 1, 2021. This webinar walks through current pulse oximetry protocol, describes the changes that will be made, and educates about the new resources that are available to help implement the new process.
    • Purpose: To provide pulse oximetry screening staff education about the impending changes to pulse oximetry screening protocol prior to the implementation date. This will allow staff time to adapt to the new protocol.

If you experience any technical issues while registering or using IN-Train, please reach out to the IN-Train admin at IN-Train@isdh.in.gov

If you have any questions regarding the content of our trainings, please reach out to us at ISDHNBS@isdh.in.gov






Page last revised 03/12/2021 by JHaller