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Overdose Prevention Webcasts

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The Division of Trauma and Injury Prevention hosts periodic free opioid-related webcasts. These webcasts feature subject matter experts who discuss topics such as opioid prescribing guidelines, fighting addiction stigma, drug take back events, and more. Previous and upcoming webcasts are described below.

ISDH has been approved to provide continuing medical education credits (CMEs) for certain webcasts. You can receive the CME by attending the webcast live and providing your name and contact information, or by watching the archived (video) webcast, and completing the short quiz which can be found below for each accompanying CME-webcast. For questions on CME credits, please contact indianatrauma@isdh.in.gov.

To view the live webcasts, please visit the video center homepage at https://isdh.pividal.tv/ and select “live events” during the indicated date and time.

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Upcoming Webcasts

There are no upcoming webcasts at this time.

Previous webcasts

Opioid Misuse in Older Adults
March 20, 2020

The Indiana State Department of Health, in collaboration with the Office of Aging at the Family and Social Services Administration, hosts a live webcast on opioid misuse in older adults. The webcast is intended for case managers and included information on knowing the signs and symptoms of opioid misuse and abuse of medication in the older population. There is an emphasis on techniques for effective client communication when discussing opioids in the older population and client assessment to identify risk factors or red flags.

You can view a recording of the event here.

There’s a Method to the Data Madness: Part 2
November 19, 2019

The Indiana State Department of Health hosts a live webcast on the recently released drug overdose data dashboard. The dashboard includes data on opioid prescriptions, hospital discharges, deaths and county-level programs. Easy-to-read graphs and charts allow users to sift through various data sets and to compare county statistics. This webcast provides an overview of the dashboard and explained how the dashboard can be used to inform drug overdose prevention and response efforts.

You can view a recording of the event here.

Overdose Data to Action: Grant Overview
October 2, 2019

The Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH) has received a three-year, $21 million grant from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that will bolster the state's effort to prevent and detect drug overdoses. This webinar discusses the details of the grant activities that will be completed by ISDH as well as the Request for Proposal (RFP) available to commuinty conveners.  

You can view a recording of the event here.

Naloxone Information and Administration
February 11, 2019

This webinar includes an overview of the opioid epidemic, how to recognize the signs and symptoms of an overdose, and how to use naloxone to reverse an overdose. It also discusses how to provide continued support to the opioid overdose victim.

You can view a recording of the event here.

To serve and protect: Law enforcement's efforts to curb the opioid epidemic
December 18, 2018

This webinar focuses on the opioid epidemic from a law enforcement perspective. The speakers provide an overview of diversion drug trends in Indiana and discuss how the criminal justice community in Indiana is tackling the epidemic using tools such as drug courts and Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion (LEAD) programs.

You can view a recording of the event here.

Going the extra mile: Using overdose fatality reviews to gain insight into overdose deaths
November 20, 2018

This webinar focuses on overdose fatality review (OFR) teams, which bring together multiagency, interdisciplinary stakeholders to assess whether an overdose death could have been prevented. The ultimate goal of OFRs is to use the insights gained from such reviews to improve statewide policies, procedures, and health outcomes. Indiana is piloting such teams in several counties, and this webinar brings you their latest updates.

You can view a recording of the event here.

A road to recovery: Treatment options in Indiana
October 16, 2018

This webinar covers opioid use disorder treatment programs available across the state. It includes a discussion of outpatient, inpatient and residential services, as well as programs that incorporate the use of medication assisted treatment (MAT). The webinar also covers the Fresh Start Recovery Program, which provides opioid treatment services to current and expectant mothers

You can view a recording of the event here.

Prime time for substance abuse prevention programs
September 18, 2018

This webinar covers substance abuse prevention programs that are being implemented across the state. Evidence-based programs discuss included Life Skills Training; Project Towards No Drug Use; Strengthening Families; Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT), and others. Participants learn about the programs and how to implement them in their communities.

You can view a recording of the event here.

It’s a team effort: Creating a county’s overdose rapid response plan
August 21, 2018

This webinar covers the Overdose Response Pilot Project, a program that assesses local health department (LHDs) and county stakeholder capabilities and response readiness for a drug overdose event. An overview of the project is provided, as well as successes, challenges, takeaways, and information about the new open grant cycle.

You can view a recording of the event here.

Getting the ball rolling: Indiana's Toxicology Rollout
July 17, 2018

This webcast focuses on Indiana’s statewide toxicology testing program that requires Indiana coroners to perform toxicology screenings as of July 1, 2018, on any person who is suspected of dying from a drug overdose. This webinar covers why this requirement became law during the last legislative session, why it is important and present some preliminary fi­ndings. It also features an explanation of how coroners should ­fill out death certi­ficates based on toxicology findings.

You can view a recording of the event here.

Harm Reduction: One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind
June 19, 2018

This webcast focuses on harm reduction, a set of practical strategies and ideas aimed at reducing negative consequences associated with drug use. This webinar features a discussion on syringe service programs and naloxone as harm reduction tools. Finally, it covers the intersections between harm reduction and substance use prevention.

You can view a recording of the event here. 

Changing Habits: Adapting Opioid Prescribing Guidelines in Various Healthcare Settings
May 16, 2018 12-4pm

This half-day event at the ISDH was geared toward medical professionals, including physicians, dentists, pharmacists, nurses, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants. It focused on how prescribers can adapt opioid prescribing recommendations and laws to their particular healthcare setting. Featured speakers addressed prescribing guidelines in hospitals, primary care practices, teaching settings with medical and pharmacy students, and more.

You can view a recording of the event here. A copy of the draft agenda can be found here.

There’s a Method to the Data Madness
April 17, 2018

This webinar focused on opioid-related data dashboards, including how access and navigate them. These dashboards, many of which are free and available to the public, include Stats Explorer, ESSENCE, CDC data, and more. They feature data on opioid deaths, hospitalizations due to opioid overdose, prescribing of opioids and more.

You can view the webcast here.

Take ‘em Back! Prescription Drug Take Back Events
March 20, 2018

This webinar describes what drug take back events are, why they are important, and how to organize them in your own community. It features Lenn Detwiler, Executive Director of Hendricks County Solid Waste Management and Brett Clark, Sheriff of Hendricks County, who work together to organize “Tox Away” days, which offer residents a safe disposal options for unused medications. The webinar also discusses how to organize smaller events, such as having a drug take back box in your local pharmacy or health department.

You can view the webcast here.

Stand by the Standing Order: Naloxone Fundamentals for Dispensing Entities
February 20, 2018

This webinar covers comprehensive information regarding the naloxone standing order that is pertinent to every entity that dispenses naloxone to the public, including pharmacies, nonprofits, schools and local health departments. It also covers an overview of optIN, the online registry that such entities must register with.

You can view the webcast here.

Local health department naloxone distribution program successes & challenges
January 9, 2018

Three local health departments discuss their successes and challenges with the naloxone kit distribution program. This program is a grant opportunity off­ered by ISDH which provides local health departments free naloxone kits to distribute in their counties. Viewers have an opportunity to learn best practices established by those that have successfully distributed kits to the general public. The webcast is tailored for local health departments as well as those interested in learning more about naloxone kit distribution programs, services offered with the distribution program, working with key community partners and more.

You can view the webcast here.

Increasing patient satisfaction while decreasing opioid prescription & other opioid topics of interest
December 15, 2017

Dr. Chad Brummett, Associate Professor, Anesthesiology, University of Michigan, presents at the Indiana State Trauma Care Committee on his involvement with the Michigan Opioid Prescribing Engagement Network (Michigan OPEN) and his clinical research in post-surgical pain.

You can view the webcast here.

General image 3-ISDH

CDC Rx Awareness
November 28, 2017

This webcast presents information on the recently launched CDC Rx Awareness campaign. This effort aims to increase awareness that opioids can be addictive and dangerous and highlight the importance of reducing prescription opioid misuse. ISDH will offer ways that local health departments can introduce this campaign within their own counties. The webcast will feature state-specific campaign materials for websites, social media, newsletters and press releases.

You can view the webcast here.


Naloxone Grant Opportunity Reporting Tool Training
September 28, 2017

This training session provides information on how to use the updated reporting tool for local health departments participating in the third round of naloxone kit distribution. This training provides an overview of the reporting responsibilities and requirements, the reporting schedule, and instruction on how to use each section of the reporting tool for the third round of naloxone distribution program. This training is a useful reference to all local health departments participating in the naloxone distribution program because it provides an in-depth overview of the basic concepts for filling out the naloxone distribution reporting tool.

You can view the webcast here.

More webinars


The Indiana State Medical Association (ISMA) is also hosting monthly webcasts about opioid prescribing and addiction. As the largest physician organization in Indiana advocating for the well-being of physicians and their patients, ISMA is committed to implementing solutions to combat Indiana's opioid crisis.

To access ISMA’s free webinars, visit their website.


Contact Information:
Klaudia Wojciechowska
Drug Overdose Prevention Program Director

Page last updated 3/4/21.