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Current and Expecting Parents

ISDH flyer
Drug Guide for Parents (English and Spanish)
General information on a variety of drugs and how parents can identify drug abuse to keep their teens safe.
isdh flyer
Opioid Medication: A Risk for Children and Teens
Statistics on the likelihood of a child or teen consuming opioid medication and suggestions for parents on how to prevent such consumption.
isdh flyer
Preventing Teen Abuse of Prescription
Factsheet on teen prescription drug abuse that outlines why teens turn to drug abuse, how they acquire drugs, and what parents can do to protect their kids.
isdh flyer
Treating Opioid Use Disorder During Pregnancy
Important information on how opioid use during pregnancy can adversely affect the baby and how to safely treat opioid use disorder during pregnancy.
ISDH flyer
Fresh Start Recovery Center Brochure
A brochure about Fresh Start - a free program that allows mothers with substance use disorder to receive treatment without being separated from their children.
ISDH flyer
Liv Pregnancy App
The Liv pregnancy app allows mothers, or soon to be mothers, to take charge and keep track of their health during and after pregnancy.
ISDH flyer
Indiana's Opioid Epidemic: What Parents Need to Know
A handout specifically tailored for parents on what actions they can take to help prevent their children from misusing opioids.
ISDH flyer
Tips for Teens: The Truth About Opioids
This fact sheet for teens provides facts about opioids. It describes short- and long-term effects and lists signs of opioid use. The fact sheet also helps to dispel common myths about opioids.


isdh flyer
Stats Explorer
Step-by-step instructions on how to use Stats Explorer to find the Indiana-specific data you are looking for.
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Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome
Data on the increase of Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS) since 2000 and the costs of having a newborn with NAS.
ISDH Flyer
Indiana State Prescribing Map
State-by-state comparison of opioid prescribing rates in 2016.
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Overdoses by Race
A comparison of the drug overdose rates by race, and the type of drug (synthetic vs non-synthetic) responsible for opioid-related overdoses in the state of Indiana.
ISDH flyer
CDC Vital Signs Opioid Overdoses
CDC data on opioid-related overdoses in emergency departments across America. Suggestions on how to collectively prevent opioid-related overdoses are also provided.
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Opioid Use in Indiana: Marion County
A factsheet about opioid use in Indiana, with a special focus on Marion County.
ISDH flyer
The Drug Overdose Epidemic in Indiana: Behind the Numbers
Created by the Indiana State Dept. of Health's Division of Trauma and Injury Prevention, this report provides useful and pertinent data to Indiana residents and community leaders to promote dialogue about overdose deaths and substance use disorder disease prevention in their communities to improve the health of all Hoosiers.

For Indiana county-specific mortality and INSPECT data reports, please click here.

First Responders

ISDH Flyer
Officer Safety Alert- Carfentanil
Safety information for law enforcement and emergency responders regarding the synthetic opioid carfentanil.
ISDH flyer
Fentanyl Safety Recommendations
Safety information for law enforcement and emergency responders regarding the synthetic opioid fentanyl.
ISDH Flyer
Narcan- Quick Start Guide
Step-by-step instructions on how to respond to an overdose and administer Narcan.
naloxone atomizer instructions
Naloxone Atomizer Instructions
Step-by-step instructions on how to assemble and administer the naloxone atomizer.
isdh flyer
First Responder Precautions for Unknown Opioids
General precautions that all first responders should follow when coming into contact with a suspected opioid.

First Responder Compassion Fatigue
Information on how to identify and combat compassion fatigue among first responders.
naloxone reporting
Naloxone Reporting Requirements for First Responders
Indiana code for naloxone reporting requirements for first responders.
ISDH flyer
First Responder Self-Care
Information for first responders regarding self-care best practices.

General Public

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9 Facts about Addiction People Usually Get Wrong
Nine important facts are provided to help clear up misinformation about addiction so that you can be better prepared to help someone struggling with substance abuse.
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Indiana Syringe Service Programs FAQ
A list of FAQs regarding syringe service and harm reduction programs, including what defines a syringe program, how they fit into harm reduction, and how they reduce drug use.
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Syringe Service Program Facts
Facts on the availability, participation, and opportunity for intervention for syringe service programs in the state of Indiana.
ISDH flyer
Prescription Safety
A list of possible questions to ask your physician when being prescribed opioids.
isdh flyer
Important Information About Naloxone
Information on naloxone, how to identify an opioid overdose, what to do in that situation, and more.

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The Value of Carrying Naloxone

Information about naloxone and why first responders and individuals likely to witness an opioid overdose should carry naloxone.
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Paying for Naloxone
Information on the cost of naloxone depending on your insurance carrier. Additionally, information is also provided on how to acquire naloxone for free.
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CDC Harm Reduction and Syringe Service Programs
Information on how syringe service programs not only benefit the person struggling with substance user disorder, but also the entire community.
ISDH Flyer
Naloxone Myths Debunked
Debunking many of the myths that are associated with naloxone to reassure that it is safe, accessible, and effective.
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Commonly Prescribed Opioids
A list of commonly prescribed opioids.
know the o acts oud factsheet
Know the O Facts OUD Factsheet
Experts provide opioid use disorder facts for a better understanding of how to tackle it.
know the o facts help reduce stigma
Know the O Facts Help Reduce Stigma
A list of common language terms related to the opioid epidemic that can be replaced by more appropriate terms to help reduce stigma.
Know the O Facts Brochure
A map of opioid treatment programs in Indiana, and a list of common language terms related to the opioid epidemic that can be replaced by more appropriate terms to help reduce stigma.
ISDH Flyer
Safe Medicine Storage
Information on how to safely store your medicine at home and the risks of not storing your medicine safely.
ISDH flyer
What to do if Your Medication is Not Working
Information on what to do if your medication is not working properly.
ISDH flyer
Aaron’s Law and Overdose Good Samaritan Law
An overview of Aaron’s law and the Good Samaritan law as it relates to opioid overdoses, along with the requirements needed to receive protection under these laws.
ISDH Flyer
Substance Use Disorder and Mental Health
A comparison of the relationship between substance use disorder and mental illness.
FSSA resources
Family and Social Services Administration Resources
Substance abuse recovery resources provided by the Family and Social Services Administration (FSSA).
ISDH Flyer
Opt-IN Information
Information for entities on the requirements of selling or distributing naloxone.
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Aaron's Law Hero Up Poster
A poster that encourages lay responders to administer naloxone and call 911 in the event of an opioid overdose. The poster also explains the basic tenets of Aaron's Law.
ISDH flyer
Save a Life: Get Trained on Naloxone
A flyer that advertises what a naloxone training consists of and where to find a naloxone training near you.
ISDH Flyer
Connecting the Dots Between Teen Violence, ACEs and Drug Use
Information on how Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and drug use can be connected to teen violence and dating.
ISDH Flyer
Opioids Fact Sheet - International Overdose Awareness
A fact sheet put together by the International Overdose Awareness campaign. The fact sheet has information on appropriate responses and signs to look for during a crystal methamphetamine related overdose.
ISDH Flyer
Alcohol Fact Sheet - International Overdose Awareness
A fact sheet put together by the International Overdose Awareness campaign. The fact sheet has information on appropriate responses and signs to look for during an alcohol related overdose
ISDH Flyer
Depressants Fact Sheet - International Overdose Awareness
A fact sheet put together by the International Overdose Awareness campaign. The fact sheet has information on appropriate responses and signs to look for during a depressant related overdose.
ISDH Flyer
Psychoactive Substances Fact Sheet - International Overdose Awareness
A fact sheet put together by the International Overdose Awareness campaign. The fact sheet has information on appropriate responses and signs to look for during a psychoactive substance related overdose.
ISDH Flyer
Stimulants Fact Sheet - International Overdose Awareness
A fact sheet put together by the International Overdose Awareness campaign. The fact sheet has information on appropriate responses and signs to look for during a stimulant related overdose.
ISDH Flyer
Methamphetamine Fact Sheet - International Overdose Awareness
A fact sheet put together by the International Overdose Awareness campaign. The fact sheet has information on appropriate responses and signs to look for during a crystal methamphetamine related overdose.

Medical Professionals

ISDH flyer
The Opioid Epidemic and Smoking
A comparison of the opioid epidemic and smoking to encourage those prescribing opioids to also take tobacco use into account.
ISDH Flyer
CDC Guidelines for Prescribers: Chronic Pain
A short overview of the CDC opioid prescribing guidelines for chronic pain.
ISDH flyer
Indiana RX Guidelines Comparison of
CDC vs. Indiana Prescribing Guidelines
A comparison of the CDC opioid prescribing guidelines for chronic pain and and the Indiana opioid prescribing rule.
CDC Opioid Prescribing App for Prescribers
The opioid prescribing app makes it easier for prescribers to apply prescribing recommendations into clinical practice.
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Addressing Unique Challenges of Opioid Use in Women
Information on how substance abuse affects women differently than men.
ISDH flyer
Pharmacists and naloxone: Let's talk about it!
Information specifically tailored to pharmacists on the best ways to talk to patients about naloxone.
ISDH flyer
ISDH Brochure: Overdose Prevention Collaboration Programs
This brochure explains how collaborative efforts within the ISDH are working to reduce the harms and increase the prevention of opioid misuse.

Contact Information:
Klaudia Wojciechowska
Drug Overdose Prevention Program Director, Division of Trauma and Injury Prevention

Page last updated 2/15/2021