Main Content
Business and Finance Data Resources
Business Directories
- Dun & Bradstreet - Contact info for 100,000+ public and private companies is free. Detailed reports must be purchased.
- Guidestar - Search non-profit organizations across the nation.
Business News
- Bizjournals- Business journals from 39 different metropolitan areas.
- Business Wire- Business news with hourly updates. Can be limited by industry or by company specific items.
- CNN Money CNN's business site with markets, technology, media, luxury, and personal finance
- INCONTEXT - Indiana Economy in context of the state and nation.
- Indiana Business Review - published by Indiana Business Research Center, Kelley School of Business, IU.
- Indianapolis Business Journal - Three weekly stories pertaining to Indiana business. Archives also available.
- INSPIRE - EBSCO Host's Business Source Premier (Full-text of Harvard Business Review, California Management Review, McKinsey Quarterly, American Banker, Financial Analysts Journal, etc.)
Annual Reports / Company Profiles
- Annual - Links to information posted on company websites.
- EDGAR - Guide to public companies.
- Forbes Lists - Lists of best big, best small, largest public, largest private, etc.
- Historical Corporate Reports - A variety of annual reports from 1834 through 1968.
General Business Resources
Indiana Business Resources
- About Indiana - Indiana Partners in Economic Development, Duke Energy
- INCONTEXT - Indiana Economy in context of the state and nation.
- Indiana Business Review - Quarterly publication giving analysis and insight on demographic and economic issues.
- Indiana Economic Development Corporation
- Indiana Economic Digest - Digest of business and economic news from 60 Indiana daily newspapers.
- Indiana Chamber of Commerce
- Indianapolis Business Journal
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