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Interlibrary Loan Information
If you cannot visit in person to borrow materials, circulating items may be borrowed through your local public, academic or special library. Contact your local public library for assistance and information. Libraries that are Indiana SHARE participants should click here to request items for their patrons.
If we do not own an item, we will request materials from other libraries for state employees for work-related requests. The State Library cannot request materials for people who do not work for the State of Indiana, or for projects that are not related to work.
Interlibrary Loan of Newspapers on Microfilm
Information For Libraries
Requests: Microfilm of newspapers will be loaned to public and university libraries and to other libraries at the discretion of the Senior Subject Specialist. Requests should be placed on standard interlibrary loan forms or sent via OCLC providing the same information. Send the request to:
Interlibrary Loan Office
Indiana State Library
140 North Senate Avenue
Indianapolis, IN 46204-2296
Questions should be directed to 317-232-0023 or toll free 1-866-683-0008.
Specific Information Required: Please list specific cities or towns (counties or townships), titles, months, days, and years. Be sure to include the name of the town or county needed, unless the name is included in the title of the paper. Unless specific reels are requested, we will choose the set of microfilm that comes closest to filling the request.
OCLC Searching and Verifying: Before requesting the titles that OCLC shows ISL as owning, please check the union listing for the title to verify that we have the issues which your patron needs. For many titles we have scattered dates.
Five Reel Limit: A library may have 5 reels of microfilm in its possession at any given time.
Six Week Loan: The due date for films is six weeks from the date sent. The due date for a loan cannot be extended, but film may be reordered after the original loan is returned. We will ship microfilm by first class mail for more rapid service if the patron will guarantee postage reimbursement.
Insurance: Replacement costs for a damaged or lost microfilm reel is $150, plus $10 service fee. For the protection of the borrowing library, we request that the borrowing library insure our film for $150 per reel for return shipment.
Library Use: Microfilms must be used within the facilities of the borrowing library.
Mailing Labels: The borrowing library is asked to supply a mailing label with its request. This assures the film will reach the correct department.
Postage Reimbursement: As our funds are limited, we would appreciate the reimbursement of postage either by check or in cash from out-of-state patrons.
Large Requests: Patrons needed large amounts of microfilm or use for a longer period of time are encouraged to purchase the films from the company holding the master negatives and copyright to the contents. We will furnish this information upon request.
Priorities: Patrons working on projects at the Indiana State Library will be given precedence over interlibrary loan requests, if the same reels are requested.
Sources Listing Indiana Newspapers
New microfilm is constantly added to our collections. If a title does not appear in one of the sources on the reverse, please feel free to inquire whether it has been filmed or acquired for the collection.
Miller, John W. Indiana Newspaper Bibliography. Indianapolis: Indiana Historical Society, 1982.
This work contains historical and location information on microfilm and original newspapers located in over four hundred Indiana libraries, historical societies, museums, courthouses, and newspaper offices.
Newspaper Holdings by County, Indiana State Library
The Indiana State Library's Web site contains listings of many of the newspapers held in the Indiana Division. Lists are arranged by county in which the newspapers were published, and include approximate dates of holdings for each title.
OCLC Computerized Database
By accessing the OCLC serial subsystem, or by accessing the union list of serials on OCLC's FirstSearch database, users can identify the specific titles and dates of most newspapers in the Indiana Division, as well as listings for many other repositories which hold Indiana newspapers.
Library of Congress. Newspapers in Microform: United States, 1948-1983. Washington, D. C.: Library of Congress, 1984. 2 volumes.
Only microform holdings are listed. Indiana State Library holdings were last updated in 1979.
Gregory, Winifred. American Newspapers 1821-1936: A Union List of Files Available in the United States and Canada. New York: The H. W. Wilson Company, 1937.
Indiana holdings information was collected in 1935 and represents original format holdings at that time. Some of the titles and dates listed are now microfilmed.
REF MH 8/11/2020