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Requesting Materials

Genealogy Division

Most of the printed materials in the Genealogy Division are available for browsing in the Genealogy Reading Room on the first floor.  Those materials not available for browsing have a location in the catalog of Vault Genealogy and may be requested at the Genealogy reference desk.  Genealogy materials do not circulate.

Government Publications and Documents

None of the federal documents in the collections are listed in the online catalog. As the Indiana State Library is a full federal documents depository, patrons can use the online Catalog of U.S. Government Publications to identify materials published since 1994 that should be in the State Library's collections. Ask a librarian for assistance with older materials.

Indiana state agency publications and documents are listed in the online catalog; the online State Documents Checklists can provide additional information.

Indiana Division

Less than five percent of the books in the Indiana Division are available for browsing on the second floor; all other printed materials, including books, pamphlets, periodicals, and maps, must be requested from the main reference desk on the second floor. These materials are identified in the online catalog with the location Indiana; older materials may not be inventoried -- ask a librarian for assistance. Patrons must complete a call slip for each item requested, providing the title of the item, the author, the call number, patron's name, and date of the request. Staff will retrieve the item(s) for the patron and bring them to the patron's seat. Some materials in the Indiana Division may be checked out; ask a librarian if the item you need can circulate.

Indiana Talking Book and Braille Library

The Indiana Talking Book and Braille Library (TBBL) provides free library service to residents of Indiana who cannot use standard printed materials due to a visual or physical disability.

Patrons may borrow braille books, digital audio books, large print books, audio magazines, and special playback equipment from the library; materials will be mailed directly to patrons homes using “free matter for the blind”. Braille and audio books are also available to download from BARD. Reader advisors are available to take request from patrons or to help them search for books. For more information visit our website.

Manuscripts Section, Indiana Division

Any requests for manuscripts, photographs, or broadsides must be made from the Manuscript Section Reading Room. Patrons must complete a yearly registration form and follow several rules of use of materials. Staff will retrieve the items for the patron, which must be used in the Reading Room. No materials from the Manuscript Section circulate.

Microforms Collections

The microfilm and microfiche collections of the Genealogy Division, Indiana Division, and Reference and Government Services Division are located on the second floor of the building. All materials are self-service; please follow the policy for use of microforms. Patrons who cannot locate what they need should ask the microforms staff on duty or inquire at the main reference desk on the second floor.

Reference and Government Services Division

The bulk of the books and printed materials held by the Indiana State Library are in the collections of the Reference and Government Services Division. Many of the books and periodicals in the general collections can be checked out. Those in the reference collection have a call number that starts with [REF.] ISLM; these materials generally do not circulate.

State Data Center

All materials in the State Data Center are listed in the online catalog. Those in the reference collection have a call number that starts with [Data Center] ISLM; some of this material may be checked out. For assistance, please see one of the librarians at the reference desk on the second floor.

Ref JD 5-22-2019