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Indiana Civil War Photographs

Civil War Soldier Photograph Exhibit

General Philip H. Sheridan

General Ulysses S. Grant

General Don Carlos Buell

General Ambrose E. Burnside

General William Tecumseh Sherman

General Abel D. Streight

General Butler and Staff

General George D. Wagner

Generals of the Union

Select a Regiment Number

About the Civil War Soldier Exhibit

The images in this exhibit were selected from various files in the Indiana State Library Picture Collection. The Picture Collection is available to researchers in the manuscript Section. No part of these collections can be borrowed or removed from the Library.

This exhibit is by no means a complete collection of every Indiana Civil War soldier. Most of the Library's collection was compiled through the generous gifts of patrons and, as such, we only have a small representation of soldiers.

The images for the exhibit were chosen according to several specific guidelines. One was that the image had been taken in the 1860s, around the time of the Civil War. Therefore, images of veterans or G.A.R. reunions are not included here. Also, only original photographic images were selected. Etchings, paintings, and clippings from books or newspapers were not included.

The bulk of the Civil War soldier images in the Picture Collection are of Indiana soldiers. However, there are a few non-Indiana soldiers as well as some unidentified soldiers. If you have any information on one of the unidentified soldiers, or find an error in this exhibit, please contact the Manuscript Librarian.

About the Civil War Envelope Exhibit

The Civil War envelopes in this exhibit were chosen from several collections in the Manuscript Section of the Indiana State Library. All of the envelopes in the exhibit were in support of the Union as Indiana was a Northern state in the War.

The Indiana State Library is always pleased to receive additional Indiana-related donations to the Manuscript or Photograph collections. For additional information on the Civil War Envelope online exhibit, please contact the Manuscripts & Rare Books Collection.

MA BF 5-31-2013