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Images of Indiana: 92 Counties


The Indiana State Library is pleased to present its second online exhibit, Images of Indiana: Counties from Adams to Whitley. This exhibit highlights the types of photographs and other images available in the Indiana Division's Picture Collection, part of the Manuscript Section.

The exhibit incorporates digital images of 19th and early 20th century postcards, photographs, and other pictures from the Indiana Division's Picture Collection. Nearly all of Indiana's 92 counties are represented in this exhibit.

Images are arranged by alphabetically by county, and brief descriptions of the images are provided. An alphabetical county listing is available.

About the Exhibit

This exhibit features select photographs from 90 of the 92 counties in Indiana. It was created and curated by Amy L. Baskette, IUPUI public history intern in the Indiana Division of the Indiana State Library for 1999-2000. All the images featured in this exhibit are on file with the Indiana State Library Picture Collection, which houses thousands of photographs, postcards, and other images.

The Indiana State Library welcomes donations of Indiana-related photographs and postcards for its research collections. If you have photographs that fit into the following criteria they would make excellent additions to the Picture Collection.

Is it a photograph of:

An Indiana place?
A prominent or historical person from Indiana?
An event or function that took place in Indiana?

If you have any photographs that you would like to donate to the Indiana State Library, or  for additional information on the Images of Indiana: 92 Counties online exhibit, please contact the Manuscripts & Rare Books Collection.

Select a County to view historical images

  • Counties A-D
  • Counties E-J
  • Counties K-M
  • Counties N-S
  • Counties T-W

    MA BF 5-31-2013

  • images