Main Content
World War II Resources
Compiler's Note: The experiences of Hoosiers during World War I are heavily documented, largely through the efforts of the Indiana Historical Commission, the predecessor to the Indiana Historical Bureau. The majority of Indiana counties have scrapbooks with clippings, reports, and photographs, chronicling the service of men and women from their areas, which are available in the Indiana Division. The Historical Commission also coordinated the compilation and publishing of a number of works on World War I in Indiana. The Indiana State Library collected clippings and other items as well.
This subject guide should serve as a starting point to the many books, pamphlets, scrapbooks, reports, diaries, letters, photographs, newspaper articles, and other materials available in the Indiana Division of the Indiana State Library.
Books and Printed Materials
American Legion Auxiliary. Indiana women in the world war. 1936.
I 940.3772 A512i
Daughters of the American Revolution, Indiana. War service records. Indianapolis, 1920.
I 940.3772 D239w
Greenough, Walter Sidney. The war purse of Indiana; the five liberty loans and war savings and thrift campaigns in Indiana during the world war. Indianapolis: Indiana Historical Commission, 1922.
I 940.3772 I385gw
Hawk, Grace. Scrapbooks, 1919-1948.
I 940.3772 H392s
Indiana Historical Commission. Gold Star Honor Roll. A record of Indiana men and women who died in the service of the United States and allied nations. Fort Wayne: Fort Wayne Printing Company, 1921.
I 940.3772 I385w
Indiana Historical Commission. European war poems by Indiana authors. Indianapolis, 1920.
I 940.491 I385wp
Indiana national guard organizations in the world war with world war designations. Indianapolis, Apr. 28, 1937.
Ip 355 no. 17
Indiana State Library. Indiana in the European War, Fort Benjamin Harrison clippings. Indianapolis, 1917-1918.
I 940.3772 I385fh
Indiana State Library. Indiana in the European War, general clippings. Indianapolis, 1917-1923.
I 940.3772 I385gc
Levell, Robert O. A journey through World War One. New Castle, Ind.: Dale Printing Co., 1953.
Ip 940.3772 no. 29
Rider, Harry Angevin. Indiana book of merit; official individual decorations and commendations awarded to Indiana men and women for services in the World War. Indianapolis: Historical Bureau, 1932.
I 940.464 R544i
There are over 50 manuscript collections relating to World War I in the Manuscript Section, including diaries, letters, ephemera, and related materials. These may be located by using the Manuscript Catalog under the heading, "World War, 1914-1918."
Oral Histories
Anderson, Ira Jefferson
Anderson discusses his enlistment experiences and his subsequent service in France in the U. S. Army.
Barton, Walter E.
Barton discusses his service in the 353rd Pioneer Infantry in France.
Fitzpatrick, R. N.
Fitzpatrick, of Bluffton, discusses his U. S. Army service in France during World War I.
Holmes, Jack
Holmes, of Wabash County, discusses his army experiences in the 32nd and 89th Infantry Divisions during World War I.
Lyons, Alder
Lyons, from Vincennes, served in the Signal Corps in Europe.
Pressler, Warren S.
Pressler, from Wabash County, discusses his service in the Air Force during World War I.
Schoen, Joe
Schoen describes his brother's experience in the Air Force during World War I and his reasons for joining the Air Force.
Smith, Asa J.
Smith discusses his experiences in the Marine Corps during World War I.
Wiles, Coray Young. My country, oh, my country. c. 1918. In European War Songs by Indiana Composers.
I [oversized] 784 I385ms
Walker, Barclay. Long boy band. Indianapolis: Beardsley-Woods Music Pub. Co., c. 1918.
IpQ 780.8 W16
Tice, Blanche M. Are you lending a hand to Yankeeland? c. 1918. In European War Songs by Indiana Composers.
I [oversized] 784 I385ms
Anderson, Rea Wallace. Hark! Hear the bugles calling! c. 1917. In European War Songs by Indiana Composers.
I [oversized] 784 I385ms
Bettmann, William. Does it pay to raise your boy to be a soldier? c. 1916. In European War Songs by Indiana Composers.
I [oversized] 784 I385ms
Gaston, Billy. When the band plays "Indiana" (then I'm humming "Home Sweet Home"). New York: Shaprio, Berstein and Co., 1918.
IpQ 780.8 Gas 1
Other Resources
Card Catalog Subject Headings
Indiana--History--European War [with additional subdivisions]- Indiana--Soldiers and Sailors--European War
- Indiana--Student Army Training Corps
- Indiana--Red Cross
- Indiana--Defense Council
- Indiana--Disabled--Rehabilitation
- National American War Mothers--Indiana Chapter
- [Name of County]--History--European War
- [Name of College]--History--European War
- Army--U. S.--[Name of Military Unit]
Indianapolis Newspaper Index, 1898-1978, Headings
- World War I
- World War I Decorations
- World War I Draft
- World War I Memorials
- World War I Veterans
- World War I Widows, Indiana Department
- World War I Women
- War Memorial Plaza
- Last Man Club
Picture Index Headings
- World War I
- World War Memorial
- Military
Supplementary Index Headings
- World War I
IN MH 5-7-2009