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Underground Railroad


Bailey, Ethel Anne. Newport during anti-slavery times. 1908.
Ind. 977.201 W359bf

Breyfogle, William. Make free: The story of the Underground Railroad. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1958.
Ind. 326 B848m

Butler, Marvin Benjamin. My story of the Civil War and the Underground Railroad. Huntington, Ind.: United Brethren Publishing Establishment, 1914. z
Ind. 973.781 B986m

Cockrum, William Monroe. History of the Underground Railroad as it was conducted by the Anti-Slavery League.
Ind. 326 C666h

Coffin, Levi. Reminiscences of an abolitionist. London: Dyer.
Ind. 923 C675r

Danforth, Mildred E. A Quaker pioneer: Laura Haviland, superintendent of the Underground. New York: Exposition Press, 1961.
Ind. 923 H388 d

Gara, Larry. The liberty line: The legend of the Underground Railroad. Lexington: University of Kentucky Press, 1961.
Ind. 326 G212

Runyon, Paul Randolph. Delia Webster and the Underground Railroad. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 1996.
Ind. 920.7 R943d

Smith, Henry Lester. The Underground Railroad in Monroe County. Bloomington, Ind.: Monroe County Historical Society, 1961.
Ind. 326 S649u

Windle, Helen Hibberd. The Underground Railroad in northern Indiana.
Ind. 326 W765u


S144 Bounell, Mrs. Emery G.
Article by Mrs. Bounell includes mentions of Underground Railroad stations in Fountain County, Montgomery County, and Warren County.

S190 Bundy, Alice Ann
Mentions routes and activity in Jennings County.

S831 Lewis, Joseph Wood
Typewritten account by Albert E. Andrews of Joseph Wood Lewis and the Underground Railroad.

S1075 Pratt, Mary
Story of the Underground Railroad in Delphi, Indiana, written by Sarah Smith Pratt.

S1134 Sabin, Marden
Dr. Marden Sabin memoirs include descriptions of the Underground Railroad in Steuben County.

S2121 Underground Railroad
Letter from William J. Hamilton mentions houses used as stations in the Gary area.

L229 Ripley County History
Information on the Underground Railroad is included in a Stephen Harding account, in an article by Mrs. Noah T. Rogers, and in an article by Rudolph Hertenstein.

L354 Beeson, Isaac W.
Reminiscences by Nathan Coggshall includes information on the Underground Railroad. Located in Box 5, Folder 8.

Other Resources

Indianapolis Newspapers Index, 1898-1991

  • Coffin, Levi
  • Underground Railroad

Supplementary Index

  • Abolition
  • Slavery
  • Underground Railroad

Clippings Files

  • History, Civil War
  • Negroes, History
  • Underground Railroad

Compiled by Andrea Bean Hough, August 1999

IN MH 5-6-2009