Main Content
Spanish American War
Books and Printed Materials
Brownlee, James Henry. War-time echoes; patriotic poems, heroic and pathetic, humorous and dialectic, of the Spanish-American War. Akron: Werner. Co., 1898.
I 811.08 B885W
Cassard, William G. Battleship Indiana and her part in the Spanish American War. New York: 1899.
I 973.89 C343
Gore, James. Record of Indiana volunteers in the Spanish-American War, 1898-1899. Indianapolis: Wm. B. Burford, 1900.
I 973.89 I385r
Newspaper clippings concerning Indiana in the Spanish American War, April 5, 1898-July 30, 1898. 4 volumes.
I 973.89 I385n
Manuscript Collections (See Manuscript Catalog for additional information)
- L7 / Ballard, Mrs. Charles W.
- L52 / Embree, Lucius C.
- S602 / Harrold, Mrs. F. W.
- S916 / Macy, Ezra E.
- V178 / Scrapbook
- 4th Floor / Taylor, Roberts
- S739 / Johnson, William R.
Oral Histories (See Manuscript Catalog for additional information)
- Geisler, Rudolph
- Guy, Roscoe D.
- Lett, Hugh
- Miller, Ross A.
- Ostheimer, Harry C.
- Willson, John W.
Clipping Files Headings
- History--Spanish-American War
Indianapolis Newspaper Index Headings
- Spanish-American War
Picture Index Headings
- Spanish-American War
Supplementary Index Headings
- Spanish-American War
Compiled by Andrea Bean Hough, 1998
IN MH 3-6-2013