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John Dillinger Resources
The following Indiana Division materials may be of use in researching John Dillinger, noted gangster. In addition, an extensive bibliography of newspaper citations from throughout Indiana is available for use in the Indiana Division's newspaper collections. Card file indexes are available for use in the Indiana State Library. For additional information, please contact the Indiana Collection.
Books and Pamphlets
Ip 923 D578 no. 1
Title: Clark! Makley! Pierpont! Dillinger! captured.
Author: Wollard, C. A.
Ip 923 D578 no. 1
Title: Identification order no. 1217, March 12, 1934.
Author: U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Published: Washington, 1934.
I 923 D578t
Title: The Dillinger days.
Author: Toland, John.
Published: New York : Random House, [1963].
I 923 D578t 1969
Title: The Dillinger days.
Author: Toland, John.
Published: [New York : Avon Books, 1969, c1963].
Ip 364 no. 36
Title: True inside story of Dillinger.
Author: Taylor, Merlin Moore.
I 923 D578n
Title: Dillinger, dead or alive?
Author: Nash, Jay Robert, 1934-.
Published: Chicago : Henry Regnery Co., [c1970].
Ip 364 no. 32
Title: Life and exploits of John Dillinger; America's public enemy, no. 1.
Published: Mt. Morris, Ill. : R. C. Remington, c1934.
I 923 K18la
Title: The Alvin Karpis story.
Author: Karpis, Alvin.
Published: New York : Coward, McCann & Geoghegan, [c1971].
Ip 364 no. 33
Title: The life story of John Dillinger and the exploits of the "Terror mob".
Author: Gallagher, Basil.
Published: Indpls. : Stevens pub. co., 1934.
I 923 D578c
Title: Dillinger, a short and violent life.
Author: Cromie, Robert Allen, 1909-.
Published: New York : McGraw-Hill, [1962].
I 923 D578g
Title: Dillinger : the untold story.
Author: Girardin, G. Russell (George Russell).
Published: Bloomington : Indiana University Press, c1994.
I 923 D578na
Title: The Dillinger dossier.
Author: Nash, Jay Robert.
Published: Highland Park, Ill. : December Press ; Chicago, Ill.
I 923 D578j
Title: John Dillinger [videorecording] : public enemy #1.
Producer/writer, Michael Husain.
Published: [New York] : A&E Home Video : Marketed in the U.S. by New Video Group, c1995.
Note: VHS.
S1854, Hubert Hawkins Collection
Oral Histories
- Alfred Frances Dowd (transcription available in Manuscripts Section)
- Nellie Daly (transcription available in Manuscripts Section)
- Indianapolis Newspapers Index, 1898-1979 (card file): Dillinger, John
- Indianapolis Newspapers Index, 1848-1991: Dillinger John
- Indiana Biography Index (card file): Dillinger, John
- Picture Index (card file, Manuscripts Section)
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