Main Content
Glass Industry in Indiana
Books and Printed Materials
Birmingham, Frederic Alexander. Ball Corporation, the first century. Indianapolis: Curtis Pub. Co., 1980.
I 338.7 B619b
Bond, Marcelle. The beauty of Albany glass (1893-1902). Berne: Publishers Printing House, 1972.
I 748 B711b
Haffner, Gerald O. The glass industry of New Albany. New Albany: Indiana University South East Bookstore, 1982.
I 743 H138g
Measell, James S. Greentown glass: The Indiana Tumbler and Goblet Company. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Grand Rapids Public Museum, 1979.
I 748 M84gr
Rice, Jane Ann. The story of St. Clair glass. Elwood, 1971?.
Ip 748 no. 4 [Pamphlet]
Roller, Dick. Indiana glass factories notes. Paris, Ill.: Acorn Press, 1994.
I 666.19 R749i
Manuscript Collections
- 4th Floor Lynch Corporation
Clipping File Headings
- Glass--Manufacturers, General
- Glass--Manufacturers, Ball Corporation
- Glass--Manufacturers, Greentown Glass
- Glass--Manufacturers, St. Clair Glass Company
Indianapolis Newspaper Index Headings
- Glass
- Glass factories
- Glass workers
Supplementary Index Headings
- Glassware
- Glass
- Ball Brothers Company
- Sand
Compiled by Andrea Bean Hough, 1998
IN MH 3-31-2009