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Gas Industry in Indiana
Books and Printed Materials:
Beck, Bill. Natural Gas for the Hoosier State: An Illustrated History of the Indiana Gas Company, Inc., 1945-1995. Indianapolis: Indiana Gas Company, 1995. |
Carpenter, Gerald L. Petroleum Industry in Indiana. Bloomington, Ind.: Dept. of Natural Resources, 1975. |
Central Indiana Gas Company. Report. 1961-1972. |
The Gas Industry of Indiana Presents a Historical Sketch and Word Picture of Its Activities and Efforts Toward Victory in World War II. Bloomington, Ind., 1945. |
Glass, James A. "The Gas Boom In East Central Indiana". Indiana Magazine of History. Vol 96 No. 4, December 2000. (pgs 313-335) |
Grier, Ned H. Gas Boom Society. Minnetrista Cultural Foundation: Muncie, IN 1991. |
The Indiana Gas Belt Directory. Windfall City, Ind.: Gas Belt Pub. Co., 1893. |
Indiana Gas Association. Proceedings. 1909-1917, 1930-1932. |
Leverett, Frank. Studies in the Indiana Natural Gas Field. n.p., 1889. |
Logan, William Newton. Petroleum and Natural Gas in Indiana: A Preliminary Report. |
Patterson, John H. Natural Gas--The Indiana Field. New York City: Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, 1889. |
Supervisor of Natural Gas. Report. Included in Indiana Dept. of Geology and Natural Resources Reports. 1891-1919. |
Alexandria Company. Alexandria, Indiana, the Center of the Natural Gas Territory. Louisville, Ky.: Courier-Journal Litho., 1893. I 912.772 IMAL93a (1893) |
Cordell, W. H. and J. P. Kerr. Map of Oil and Gas Producing Areas of Indiana. n.p.: Dept. of Conservation, 1935. I 557 I 385m |
Gorby, Sylvester S. Natural Gas Map of Indiana. Indianapolis: Wm. B. Burford, 1888. I 912.772 I88 (1888) |
Map of a Portion of Indiana Showing the Natural Gas Fields. Indiana, 1900?. I 557 I385ga (1900) |
Public Service Commission of Indiana. Map of Indiana Gas Transmission Lines. Nov. 1947. I 557 I385g (1947) |
Manuscript Collections and Oral Histories:
- Cecil Beeson Sr., S97
- Nicodemus Biggler, L346
- Blackford County, S1648
- John Coburn, L34
- Tom Crumlety (Oral History)
- Kokomo Natural Gas and Oil Co., S2719
Indianapolis Newspaper Index Headings:
- Gas
- Gas, Natural
- Indiana Gas and Water Company
- Indianapolis--Gas
Supplementary Index Headings:
- Gas
- Natural Gas
Clippings File Headings:
- Fuels
- Gas
- Natural Resources
- Petroleum
Compiled by Andrea Bean Hough, 1998
IN MH 3-16-2013