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Circus in Indiana
Books and Biographies:
Chaffee, Don L. Indiana's Big Top. Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1969.
I 791.3 c433i.
Cramer, Phyllis. Mighty Modoc on the Loose. Wabash County Historical Society, Indiana, 1971.
Ip 791.3 no.5.
Graham, Frederick H. Wait For the Muncie Boys: Indiana's Early Circuses. Indianapolis: Guild Press of Indiana, c1995.
791.3 G738w
Hagenbeck-Wallace. Hagenbeck-Wallace Shows, Rule Book for Employees.
Ip 791.06 no.1.
Indiana State Museum. Circus Heritage in Indiana. Indianapolis, 1977.
Ip 791.3 no. 3.
Reeder, Warren Arthur. No Performance Today, June 22, 1918, Ivanhoe, Indiana. Hammond, Indiana: North State Press, 1972.
I 791.3 R327n
Stalker, Benjamin M. Life and Adventures of Buckskin Ben (Ben Stalker): Twenty Years a Cowboy, Thirty Years a Showman. Columbus, Ohio: Schmitt Printing Co., between 1900 and 1949.
927 S783, no. 1
VanAmburgh, I. A. A Brief Biographical Sketch of I. A. VanAmburgh. New York: Samuel Booth, 1858.
Ip 923 V217 no. 1.
Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine for North America. Indianapolis, Indiana: Murat Temple.
I 366.1 A 541m.
Bandwagon, 80 Years of Circus in Peru. Columbus, Ohio, 1964.
Ip 791.3 no. 2
Biller Brothers' Circus Book, vol. 1 no. 1. Buffalo, New York: Biller Brothers, 1950.
Ip 791.3 no. 7
Circus City Festival, Inc. Peru, Indiana.
Ip 791.3 no.4
Cole Brother's Circus. Rochester, Indiana.
Ip 791.3 no. 6
Country Beautiful. New York: Hawthorn Books, 1964.
I 791.3 c855c
P. T. Barnum's Advance Courier. New York, Torrey Brothers. [18uu] 791.8 no. 1
The White Tops. Evansville, Ind.: Circus Fans Association, 1933. 791.3 C495
C.H.S. bandwagon. Camden, Ohio: Agnes W. King, [1951-1957]
791.3 B213
Manuscript Collection:
S 1966 Cottman, George Streible. Contains circus tickets.
Indianapolis Newspaper Index: Search under Circus.
Check other newspapers for articles and advertisements.
Picture Collection:
Program Collection:
Sheet Music:
Frost, Alden B. The circus parade: a humorous, descriptive piece giving a fine imitation of a circus band playing in the grand street parade: arranged for piano or organ. Indianapolis, Ind.: Frost Music Co., 1895.
780.8 Fro 2
Tapper, David. Circus Town Videorecording. United States: National Broadcasting Co., 1971.
791.3 T174c
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