Main Content
Selected Military Resources
War of 1812 | World War I | World War II |
Korean War | Vietnam War | Gulf War: Operation Desert Storm |
Operation Iraqi Freedom | General |
Internet Links :
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis |
The Society of the War of 1812 in the State of Indiana |
FamilySearch |
Internet Links :
Military World War I: The Great War |
Video Recordings :
Hist. Ref. |
Lockwood, Charles A. and Hans Christian Adamson. Zoomies, Subs, and Zeros. New York: Greenburg, [1956]. |
Internet Links:
Women in the U.S. Army. WWII-New Era.
Internet Links:
Ind. |
Fitzgibbon, Daniel H. To Bear Any Burden: A Hoosier Green Beret’s Letters From Vietnam. Indianapolis: Indiana Historical Society Press, 2005. |
Internet Links:
Gulf War: Operation Desert Storm
Indiana Manuscripts S3204 |
Internet Links:
Teacher Oz’s Kingdom of History. Cold war-Korea-Vietnam-Gulf War-Operation Enduring Freedom-War in Iraq (Operation Iraqi Freedom). Internet database Available online. |
United States. General Accounting Office. Women in the Military [microfilm] Deployment in the Persian Gulf War. Report to the Secretary of Defense. Washington, D. C.: U.S. General Accounting Office. (Distributed to dep. Libraries in microfiche. Shipping List no. 93-1063-M ) Also: |
Strategic Studies Institute. U.S. Army War College. Reconstructing Iraq [electronic Resource]: Insights, Challenges, and Missions for Military Forces in a Post |
United States. General Accounting Office. Military Prepositioning [Electronic Resource]: Observations on Army and Marine Corps Programs During Operation Iraqi Freedom and Beyond, Statement of William M. Solis. [Washington, D.C.]: U.S. General Accounting Office, [2004] (Testimony; GAO-04-562-T). |
Wilson, Barbara A. Captain USAF (Ret.). Military Women on Land, At Sea, and in the Air. AUG Link Communications, 1996-. |
Geneal. 929 J68h 1999 |
Internet Links:
Military Service Records, Awards, and Unit Histories: A Guide to Locating Sources |
National Archives and Records Administration. Access to Archival Databases (AAD). Genealogy/Personal History: Military Personnel |
National Archives and Records Administration. How to Request Military Service Records |
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