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Library Development Office
The Library Development Office supports the improvement and development of library services to all Indiana citizens. The LDO includes specialists in the areas of library finance, management, planning, evaluation, and services to special populations. The LDO also administers statewide library services like interlibrary loan and library delivery services.
LDO Staff
(317) 232-3697 or (800) 451-6028 (Indiana only)
Currently Vacant - Associate Director of Statewide Library Services -
Jennifer Clifton - Library Development Office Director, 317-232-3715,
Oversees the staff and programs of the Library Development Office.
Hayley Trefun - Public Library Services Consultant – 317-232-1938,
Provides general consultation to library staff and trustees, and specific consultation on library finance, and coordinates the Indiana e-rate program.
Terry Black - Administrative Secretary, 317-232-3697,
Provides secretarial support to library consultants. Maintains Positions Open list.
Angela Fox - Public Library & LSTA Consultant, 317-234-6550,
Directs the collection, retrieval, analysis and publication of data from all types of Indiana libraries; coordinates, oversees and consults with libraries regarding LSTA programs, applications, and grant writing.. Provides consultant and advisory services to public librarians and trustees.
Nicole Brock– INfoExpress & Indiana Share Coordinator, 317-232-3699,
Coordinates and oversees the statewide INfoExpress library courier service and the Indiana SHARE program.
IHB Staff
Justin Clark - Digital Initiatives Director, 317-232-2988,
Coordinates the Indiana Memory program and provides consultant and advisory services for the digitization projects of libraries.
Jill Black - Digital Initiatives Specialist. 317-234-8153,
Coordinates and provides general consultation for the library digitization projects and assists with the processing of IN-SHARE requests.
LDO JC 7-15-2020