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2019 Round 1 Awards

Round 1 Awards

The following applicants will provide unserved areas service levels of up to one-gigabyte download and upload service, the highest speed available on the market.

The first round of funding awarded $28.41 million to 14 projects, for a total investment of $51.68 million.  The total first round funding will provide broadband infrastructure to more than 11,324 homes and commercial locations in 18 counties: Bartholomew, Benton, Brown, Clark, Floyd, Jackson, Jennings, Lawrence, Monroe, Noble, Perry, Scott, Shelby, Spencer, Tippecanoe, Tipton, Washington, and Wayne.


Jackson County REMC
Bartholomew, Brown, Jackson, Jennings, Lawrence, Monroe, Scott and Washington counties
This project will serve approximately 1,050 unserved households, 25 unserved businesses and eight anchor institutions in Bartholomew, Brown, Jackson, Jennings, Lawrence, Monroe, Scott and Washington counties. The requested grant amount is nearly $1.3 million with a local match of nearly $4 million for a total project cost of nearly $5.2 million.

Mainstream Fiber Networks, LLC 
Benton County
This project will serve approximately 2,435 unserved households and 554 unserved businesses in Benton County. The requested grant amount is more than $3 million with a local match of nearly $3.2 million for a total project cost of more than $6.2 million.

Mainstream Fiber Networks, LLC
Floyd County
This project will serve approximately 2,084 unserved households and 389 unserved businesses in Floyd County. The requested grant amount is more than $2 million with a local match of more than $2.1 million for a total project cost of more than $4.1 million.


Miles Communication Corporation
Enhancing Broadband in Southeastern Indiana – SBJ Area Application, Bartholomew, Jennings and Shelby counties
This project will serve approximately 366 unserved households and 135 unserved businesses, in primarily rural portions of Bartholomew, Jennings and Shelby counties in southeastern Indiana. The requested grant amount is $2.8 million with a local match of $2.9 million, for a total project cost of more than $5.7 million.

Washington County Rural Telephone Cooperative, Inc.
Next Level Grant Application – Starlight, IN, Clark and Floyd counties
This project will serve approximately 334 unserved households, four unserved businesses and one unserved community anchor institution in primarily rural portions of southwest Clark County and northern Floyd County. The requested grant amount is more than $2.8 million with a local match of more than $754,000, for a total project cost of more than $3.6 million.

Smithville Communications, Inc.
Sharpsville NW Fiber-to-the-Home Project, Howard and Tipton counties
This project will serve 127 unserved households in northern Tipton County, northwest of the Town of Tipton in Liberty and Prairie Townships and Howard County in Harrison and Taylor Townships. The requested grant amount is $250,000 with a local match of nearly $756,000 for a total project cost of more than $1 million.

Smithville Communications, Inc.
Monroe County Fiber-to-the-Home Project, Monroe County
This project will serve 21 unserved households in northeastern Monroe County, northeast of the Town of Ellettsville in Bean Blossom and Bloomington Townships. The requested grant amount is $137,000 with a local match of more than $413,000, for a total project cost of more than $550,000.

LigTel Communications
Noble County Broadband Improvement Phase 1, Noble County
This project will serve 83 unserved households and 12 unserved businesses in the rural towns of Brimfield and Merriam in Noble County. The requested grant amount is almost $442,000 with a local match of more than $117,000 for a total project cost of nearly $559,000.

Perry-Spencer Rural Telephone Cooperative, Inc.
Perry County
This project will serve approximately 357 unserved households and 39 unserved businesses in rural portions of southern Perry County. The requested grant amount is almost $1.5 million with a local match of more than $396,000, for a total project cost of almost $1.9 million.

Perry-Spencer Rural Telephone Cooperative, Inc.
Spencer County – Unserved Towns Project, Spencer County
This project will serve approximately 1,578 unserved households and 176 unserved businesses in primarily rural portions of Spencer County. The requested grant amount is $5 million with a local match of more than $6 million for a total project cost of more than $11 million.

Perry-Spencer Rural Telephone Cooperative, Inc.
Spencer County
This project will serve approximately 747 unserved households and 187 unserved businesses in Spencer County. The requested grant amount is nearly $5 million with a local match of more than $1.3 million, for a total project cost of more than $6.3 million.

Perry-Spencer Rural Telephone Cooperative, Inc.
Spencer County
This project will serve approximately 473 unserved households and 53 unserved businesses in Spencer County. The requested grant amount is nearly $3.5 million with a local match of nearly $919,000 for a total project cost of nearly $4.4 million.

Tipmont REMC
Tipmont REMC-Tippecanoe County-Jackson HWY/ W 350 N, Tippecanoe County
The project will serve 27 unserved households and three unserved businesses in northwestern Tippecanoe County to include portions of Shelby Township. The requested grant amount is more than $444,000 with a local match is more than $118,000 for a total project cost of more than $562,000.

New Lisbon Broadband and Communications, LLC
Fiber Optic Cable Placement in the Whitewater Community, Wayne County
The project will provide reliable broadband service to 82 unserved households in Wayne County. New Lisbon Broadband will place middle mile fiber cable east from US 27 along Wallace Road to the Whitewater Community. The requested grant amount is nearly $260,000 with a local match of more than $270,000, for a total project cost of more than $530,000.

  • Click here to view the August award maps. 
  • Click here to view a list of all the funded census blocks.

Press releases:

  • Gov. Holcomb announces more than $22 million for broadband expansion - August 8, 2019
  • Gov. Holcomb announces additional $6.3 million in Next Level Broadband grants - November 21, 2019

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