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Off-Site Sales Requirements

A dealer may not sell or offer to sell a vehicle at a location away from their established place of business without an off-site sales permit.  Off-site sales permits may be issued to an Indiana dealer, if certain requirements are met. (Indiana Code 9-32-11-11 and 75 IAC 6-2-3)

A dealer may not hold more than three (3) off-site sales within twelve (12) calendar months. 

Transfer dealers and automotive salvage recyclers are not eligible for offsite sale permits.

The temporary location must:

  • Be a well-defined location such as a building, tent, or open parking area which is separate and distinct from other business locations;
  • Be set up to include an appropriate area for the closing of a sale, if a sale is closed at the off-site location; and
  • Meet all local ordinances and zoning requirements.

The application must:

  • Be received at least ten (10) business days prior to the sale event;
  • Contain the exact address of the proposed event location along with a brief description of the location;
  • Include the applicant's established place of business location;
  • Contain the applicant's dealer license number;
  • Include the name, address, and telephone number of all owners, partners, or officers; and 
  • Contain the dates of the proposed event, no to exceed ten (10) calendar days.

Download the application here:

Offsite Sales Permit - State Form 55938

Motor Vehicle Industry Trade Show

Motor vehicle industry sponsored trade shows are exempt from the off-site permit. However, the sponsor must notify the Auto Dealer Services Division in writing of the scheduled event and its participants at least thirty (30) days prior to a show.

Sunday Sales & Special Sales Event

Vehicle sales may not be conducted on Sunday, unless the person holds a special event permit issued under Indiana Code 9-32-11-18 or the person is engaged in the business of buying, selling, or trading a motorcycle or a non-self-propelled/non-motorized camper or trailer.

A person licensed under Indiana Code 9-32-11-18 shall be issued a special event permit from the Secretary of State for a special event meeting the following conditions:

  • A vehicle auction conducted by licensed auctioneers.
  • Vehicles to be auctioned are at least 15 years old or are classified as "classic, collector, or antique vehicles."
  • Must auction at least 100 vehicles.
  • Submit application to Secretary of State no later than 30 days before the event.
  • No more than two (2) special event permits may be issued per year.
  • Submits the application fee of $250.

Out-of-State Dealer

A person that is a licensed dealer in a state other than Indiana may apply for an out-of-state dealer special event permit from the secretary for a special event auction if the following conditions are met:

  1. The event is a vehicle auction conducted by an auctioneer licensed under IC 25-6.1.3.
  2. The vehicles to be auctioned are:
    1. at least fifteen (15) years old; or
    2. classified as classic, collector or antique vehicles under rules adopted by the secretary.
  3. At least two hundred (200) vehicles will be auctioned during the special event.
  4. The person submits an application for a special event permit to the secretary not later than thirty (30) days prior to the beginning date of the special event auction.
  5. The application for the special event permit includes the following:
    1. Copies of licenses for all auctioneers for the special event auction.
    2. A copy of a valid dealer's license from the other state.
    3. An affidavit from:
      1. the person charged with enforcing a zoning ordinance, if the person exists; or
      2. the zoning enforcement officer under IC 36-7-4, if a zoning enforcement officer exists; who has jurisdiction over the real property where the applicant wants to operate the special event auction. If there is no person or officer that has jurisdiction over the real property as described in this clause, the application must be accompanied by a statement to that effect from the executive of the unit in which the real property is located. The affidavit must state that the proposed location is zoned for the operation of a special event auction.