Indiana Rx Info
Indiana has many organizations that provide Hoosiers with prescription medication services and discount cards. For Indiana consumers, these sites provide various possibilities for cost savings.
Indiana Association of Area Agencies on Aging (IAAAA)
The IAAAA advocates for quality programs and services for older adults and persons with disabilities.
The IAAAA promotes the individual's right to:
- Choose among health care alternatives to maintain independence and dignity.
- Practice healthy lifestyles to have a happier, healthier, and longer life.
Be educated about services and alternatives available.
Visit for more information.
Indiana Health Coverage Programs
The Office of Medicaid Policy and Planning (OMPP) finances basic medical health coverage programs for low-income Indiana residents. This is done in accordance with state and federal requirements.
More information is available at
HoosierRx is Indiana's prescription medication program for low-income seniors. Any eligible senior enrolled in the program will receive a HoosierRx Prescription medication card to use at the pharmacy to receive up to 75 percent off the cost of their medications.
For more information on HoosierRx, visit
Indiana Family and Social Services Administration
The Indiana Family and Social Services Administration (FSSA) provides services for low-income individuals and families, children, senior citizens, people with mental illness, people with addictions, and people with physical and developmental disabilities.
Medicaid is the state-federal health care program for low-income children and families, senior citizens and people with severe disabilities. FSSA is the Indiana provider of Medicaid and similar services.
Visit to learn more.
RX for Indiana - a Partnership for Prescription Assistance (PPA) program
Partnership for Prescription Assistance (PPA) programs bring together America’s pharmaceutical companies, doctors, or their health care providers, patient advocacy organization and community groups to help qualifying patents who lack prescription coverage get the medications they need through public or private programs. Rx for Indiana is a PPA program that connects qualifying, low-income Hoosiers with discount prescription medicines, direct from the pharmaceutical manufacturer.
You can access the Indiana PPA program, Rx for Indiana, by calling toll-free, (888) 477-2669.