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Telephone Solicitors

Attention! Effective July 1, 2019, all Telephone Solicitors must register prior to doing business in Indiana. The registration process is separate from your purchase of the Indiana Do Not Call list. For more information click on this link: Telephone Solicitor Registration

New Do Not Call list purchasers click here:

Purchase Do Not Call List


Existing Do Not Call List purchasers click on the applicable link below:

Download Do Not Call List

Renew Do Not Call List

Do Not Call List Login


When are updated lists available?

Updated lists are available each quarter according to the schedule below:

Quarter Effective Dates List Available
1st Quarter January 1st – March 31st December
2nd Quarter April 1st – June 30th March
3rd Quarter July 1st – September 31st June
4th Quarter October 1st – December 31st September

How much does the list cost?

The fee is $750 annually, which includes four lists available quarterly.

How can I obtain the list?

You will be able to download the list from our website upon receipt of payment by credit card.

What does the list contain?

Only phone numbers.  The list will not contain the names or addresses of participants.

Does the Telephone Privacy law apply to both in-state (intrastate) and out-of-state (interstate) calls?


What about business or fax numbers?

The law applies only to residential landline numbers, wireless or VOIP telephone numbers associated with a residential address or a prepaid wireless number that is primarily used in Indiana.

How often will I need to obtain the list?

A new, complete list will be provided each quarter.

Can I contact someone who has asked for information about my product or service?

Yes. A telephone call made in response to an express request of the person called is exempt under the Do Not Call law. In addition, if you are a financial institution, a person licensed by the department of financial institutions under IC 24-4.4, IC 24-4.5, or 750 IAC 9, or a communications service provider that offers broadband internet service, then you may call a consumer with whom you have an existing business relationship. An existing business relationship includes a transaction within the past 18 months or an inquiry from you within the past three months.

What if someone is already a client?

A telephone call made primarily in connection with an existing debt or contract for which payment or performance has not been completed at the time of the call is exempt under the Do Not Call law. If you are a financial institution, a person licensed by the department of financial institutions under IC 24-4.4, IC 24-4.5, or 750 IAC 9, or a communications service provider that offers broad band internet service, then you may call a consumer with who you have an existing business relationship. An existing business relationship includes a transaction within the past 18 months or an inquiry from you within the past three months.

Who is exempt from this law?

Telephone solicitors who are exempt from the Do Not Call law include: 

  • Charitable organizations that use volunteers or employees to make the calls and immediately disclose A) the caller's true first and last name, and B) the name, address and phone number of the organization.
  • Newspapers that use volunteers or employees to make the calls.
  • Insurance agents licensed under IC 27-1-15.5 when the individual is soliciting an application for insurance or negotiating a policy of insurance on behalf of an insurer (as defined in IC 27-1-2-3).
  • Realtors licensed under IC 25-34.1 if A) the sale of goods or services is not completed; and B) the payment or authorization of payment is not required until after a face-to-face sales presentation by the seller.
  • The following entities are exempt only if they have an existing business relationship* with the consumer who received the call:
    • Financial institutions organized or reorganized under the laws of any state of the United States;
    • Persons licensed by the Department of Financial Institutions under IC 24-4.4, IC 24-4.5, or 750 IAC 9; and
    • Communications service providers that offer broadband internent service.

* An existing business relationship includes a transaction within the past 18 months or an inquiry from the consumer within the past three months.

Do you have a question that was not answered here?

Verify whether a number is on the Telephone Privacy List

Telephone Privacy Law


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