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State Wildlife Action Plan - Report

Indiana State Wildlife Action Plan 2015 Report




Conservation Partners (PDF)

Indiana's State Wildlife Action Plan Advisory Committee

Why undertake this effort?

The Division of Fish & Wildlife identified the need for guidance for statewide management and conservation of natural resources as a high priority. Bridging efforts across numerous natural resource agencies and organizations to maximize opportunities and accelerate conservation is critical. Indiana’s SWAP was identified as a mechanism to accomplish these ambitious goals.

In addition to helping the Division meet its goals, SWAPs also bring crucial federal funds to the state for protection, conservation and management of wildlife species. The U.S. Congress requires all states and territories to review and revise their SWAPs at least every 10 years to address new and changing conditions. All states need to complete their revised SWAPs by 2015. More information about the federal program and requirements can be found on Teaming with Wildlife.

Previous documents

Indiana’s 2006 State Wildlife Action Plan

For more information, contact:

Brad Feaster
(812) 512-9158