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Take a virtual tour of Indiana's shipwrecks

Indiana Lake Michigan Shipwreck Survey Project

Shipwrecks in Lake Michigan - such as the Muskegon and the J.D. Marshall - are memorials to the Indiana's maritime history.

The Indiana Lake Michigan Shipwreck Survey Project from Indiana DNR's Lake Michigan Coastal Management Program updated previous research about these nautical resources, conducted archaeological surveys, and reviewed best practices to develop a management plan to focus on conservation and allow public use.

Contact the Lake Michigan Coastal Management Program at coastal@dnr.in.gov.

Photos & Video

Significant shipwrecks

J.D. Marshall

The J. D. Marshall

The J. D. Marshall (12PR0723). Historic picture, view of vessel's starboard side with cargo of lumber, circa 1908. Used with permission, Great Lakes Marine Collection of the Milwaukee Public Library / Milwaukee Public Library.

The Muskegon

The Muskegon

The Muskegon (12LE0381) [aka Peerless]. Historic picture, view of vessel's port side when it was a passenger vessel, circa 1900. Used with permission, Great Lakes Marine Collection of the Milwaukee Public Library / Milwaukee Public Library.


This work made possible with Section 309 financial assistance to the Indiana Lake Michigan Coastal Program under Award NA09NOS4190079, NA11NOS4190094, and NA12NOS4190092 provided by the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972, as amended, administered by the Office for Coastal Management, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.