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Diving Indiana Shipwrecks

Wreck Diving

Take only pictures and leave only bubbles...

Thousands of ships have been lost in the Great Lakes, according to anecdotal and historical evidence. As many as 50 have sunk within Indiana’s 241 square miles of Lake Michigan. Work by the State of Indiana to locate these shipwrecks yielded 14 sites but only a handful with confirmed identities. Two of these Muskegon (aka Peerless), and the Material Service Barge — are listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The J.D. Marshall was the lone wreck designated as nature preserve as of June 2015.

Legal Protection of Shipwrecks
Additional J.D. Marshall Preserve-Specific Rules
While Diving in Indiana Waters, you also need to:
Are there places where I can learn to dive in Lake Michigan so I can dive these sites?

Additional Information

This work made possible with Section 309 financial assistance to the Indiana Lake Michigan Coastal Program under Award NA09NOS4190079, NA11NOS4190094, and NA12NOS4190092 provided by the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972, as amended, administered by the Office for Coastal Management, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.