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Indiana Trails Program Overview

What is the Indiana Trails Program grant?

The Indiana Trails Program is a new trails program that will replace the Recreational Trails Program (RTP) in 2021. The new ITP program will be similar to Indiana’s former RTP and will still be administered by the Department of Natural Resources Division of Outdoor Recreation. The main difference is that funds for ITP will now be state dollars rather than federal funds.

How and why is it changing?

For more information about how and why DNR and INDOT are replacing RTP with ITP, see our Frequently Asked Question page.

Who is eligible?

All units of government and agencies incorporated as 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporations are eligible to apply.

What types of projects may be funded?

Projects will be eligible if they provide public access to trails. Funds from RTP can be used for:

  • Construction of trails
  • Acquisition of easement or property for trails
  • Development of trailheads and other support facilities (parking, water fountains, benches, signage, etc.)
  • Construction of bridges, boardwalks and crossings

All facilities should be universally designed to accommodate all people. Facilities, funded through this program must be open to the public without discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, age or disability.

How much grant funding is available to applicants?

The ITP will provide a maximum of 80% reimbursement for eligible projects. At the time of application the applicant must have at least 20% of the total project cost available. Applicants may request a minimum of $50,000 and maximum of $250,000 in grant assistance.

When is the application deadline?

Applications must be submitted by March 1, 2021.

How do I apply?

The ITP Manual will serve as the guideline and application. The manual will be coming soon as OR staff finalize the details.

If you want to know more about the ITP or want to discuss potential projects, contact:
Bob Bronson
State & Community Outdoor Recreation Planning Section
Division of Outdoor Recreation
Indiana Department of Natural Resources
402 W. Washington Street, Room 271
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Email: bbronson@dnr.IN.gov