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Report Unemployment Fraud

The Department of Workforce Development thanks you for your efforts to combat unemployment fraud and abuse in Indiana.  Your efforts will help ensure that tax dollars are spent wisely and unemployment insurance benefits are only paid to people who are eligible to receive them.


You do not need to provide your name or any other identifying information in order to file a complaint in regards to unemployment insurance fraud. However, we will not be able to contact you if we need to seek additional information about your complaint if you choose to remain anonymous.

Please provide as much detailed information as possible concerning your allegations, including:

  • The name and address of the individual or business suspected of committing fraud
  • If the complaint is in regards to an individual, if available, include the individual’s SSN and the name of the business where the individual has been employed over the last year
  • Describe your complaint in detail and provide dates if possible

DWD provides three options for submitting your claim: Online, Mail, or Fax.


Thank you for taking the time to report possible unemployment fraud. Your assistance is invaluable as we work to ensure that the state’s unemployment funds are directed to the people who need them most.

A few tips to consider when filling out the form:

  • Please include as much accurate information as possible. The full name, (rather than nick name) best known address and date of birth are vital pieces of data in helping to track down offenders.
  • When reviewing the form, know that some of the content is required. If you don't know the answer to a required question, please enter "unknown" or "N/A".
  • You may be contacted during the investigation of the case, so providing an email address is strongly encouraged. Your identity will be kept confidential within the confines of the law.
  • Please enter your contact information to ensure that we are able to locate the individual you are reporting, and are able to address all issues pertaining to your report. Your identity will be kept confidential within the confines of the law.

Report someone...

using your or another person’s identity to file fraudulent UI claims.

who is receiving UI benefits and is not reporting their hours of work and earnings.

receiving UI benefits but not reporting that they are being paid in cash for working on the side.

who claimed your UI benefits without your knowledge.

receiving UI benefits at the same time they were incarcerated.

who is currently working and receiving UI benefits.

To file a police report...

If you are a victim of ID theft and would like to file a report to the Indiana State Police, please fill out this form and email it to uifraud@isp.IN.gov.
(Note: Victims are strongly encouraged to completely fill out the template directly above to report UI fraud. Variations in reporting could cause delay in the report being filed.)


Mailing Address

To report unemployment insurance benefit fraud by mail:

Department of Workforce Development
Benefit Payment Control Section
10 North Senate Avenue, Room SE105
Indianapolis, Indiana 46204


To report unemployment insurance benefit fraud by fax:

Department of Workforce Development
Benefit Payment Control Section
FAX: 317-234-2932
(If you receive a transmittal error, please remember resend the entire message.)

Equal Opportunity is the Law. (La Igualdad De Oportunidad Es La Ley.)
Equal Opportunity Employer/Program Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.

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