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Occupational Licensing Policy Learning Consortium

Occupational Licensing Policy Learning Consortium: September 2017 - December 2019

Overview of the Project

In late 2017, Indiana was chosen as one of 11 states to participate in the National Occupation Licensing Policy Learning Consortium, which is a project funded through the U.S. Department of Labor's Employment and Training Administration. This project is supported by three organizational project partners: The National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL), the National Governor's Center for Best Practices (NGA Center), and the Council of State Government (CSG). The purpose of this project is to help states improve their understanding of occupational licensure issues and best practices; identify current policies that create unnecessary barriers to labor market entry; and create an action plan that focuses on removing barriers to labor market entry and improves portability and reciprocity for select occupations.

Indiana has an engaged Core Team that meets regularly to discuss these issues and create an action plan that moves the needle toward best practices in occupational licensing policy. Indiana's Core Team is comprised of the members below:

  • Michael Barnes, Indiana Department of Workforce Development
  • Senator Ed Charbonneau, Indiana Senate
  • Deborah Frye, Indiana Professional Licensing Agency
  • Michael Kaufmann, Indiana Department of Homeland Security
  • Representative Cindy Kirchhofer, Indiana House of Representatives
  • Hannah Maxey, Bowen Center for Health Workforce Research and Policy
  • Ken Sauer, Indiana Commission for Higher Education
  • Jennifer Walthall, Indiana Family Social services Administration


Targeted Occupations and Special Populations of Interest

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