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Bureau of Developmental Disabilities Provider Services

BDDS provider application process

Due to issues related to COVID-19 and resources allocated to it, Indiana is currently not accepting applications for new Home- and Community-Based Services waiver providers. This is a temporary measure. Current approved HCBS waiver providers can continue to add new services and counties following applicable rules and regulations.

Process for adding temporary services/counties during COVID-19 public health emergency

Requirement:  Provider must have been approved by BDDS and OMPP prior to March 1, 2020.

Providers wanting to add a temporary service will email a request to BDDSProviderServices@fssa.in.gov.

Temporary services during COVID-19

Service type Provider type Waiver
Respite care services *Any BDDS provider CIH & FS
Rent and food for unrelated caregiver  *Any BDDS provider CIH
Structured Family Caregiving Any BDDS provider CIH

*New provider type

BDDS case management application packet

The state is currently not accepting applications to provide HCBS case management waiver services through BDDS.

Notice of Action - Register or update NOA email(s)

Providers may register or update their NOA email address by clicking here. If a provider needs more than one address registered or updated, please submit a JIRA Help Desk ticket by clicking here. Instructions on how to register or update an email address, as well as how to submit a JIRA Help Desk ticket, are available at the links below:

Train-the-Trainer Core A/B Medication administration trainings


Rate methodology stakeholder webinar

In March 2019, FSSA hosted a stakeholder webinar to introduce its home- and community-based services rate methodology project. Additional stakeholder opportunities will be available as each division conducts its project as described in the webinar. Individuals may view the webinar recording and slides below: