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Consumer Education Fund

  • GCPD
  • Current: Consumer Education Fund

Consumer Education Fund Logo

The Consumer Education Fund allows the Council to invest resources in people with disabilities and their family members in order to enable them to attend and participate in events that reflect the "community inclusion" mission of the Council. The Council expects a return on its investment in the form of your increased knowledge about issues and a commitment, from you and others who attended, to share information with others and to participate in community activities that will contribute to the independence, productivity, integration, and inclusion of people with disabilities.


Many policy, procedure, and program decisions affecting the lives of people with disabilities are made without the meaningful involvement of the people who are most affected by those decisions. Often they lack either the opportunity to participate or the experience which would enable their meaningful participation in such events as Board meetings of service agencies, state and national conferences where policy recommendations are developed, city council meetings, consumer advocacy meetings and training events, tax abatement hearings, zoning hearings, etc.

Through the Consumer Education Fund, people with disabilities and their families can access the information and educational events which will enable them to participate effectively in the decision making process by being involved with public agencies, service providers, and consumer advocacy groups.


People with disabilities or their family members can apply by filling out and returning an individual application, while public or private nonprofit organization can apply for funds through an organizational application. Hard copies of both applications are available from the Council office.

Once you have finished your application, please email it to kchappell@gcpd.in.gov with the title "(Last Name) CEF Application." If you would prefer to fax it in, please fax to 317-232-0257.

Note: We are not accepting applications for events for the rest of the 2019 - 2020 federal fiscal year, ending September 30, 2020. We will begin accepting applications for events on or after October 1, 2020, in July.

  • CEF Individual Application Guidelines  Microsoft Word  (Revised 2019)
  • Organization Guidelines and Application Microsoft Word  (Revised 2019)

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