Main Content
Council projects reflect the mission of the Council, " to promote public policy that leads to the independence, productivity and community integration and inclusion of people with disabilities in Indiana." Projects are funded as part of the implementation of the Council's Five Year State Plan. Some initiatives are carried out by staff, some by independent contractors and some through contracts with non profit community organizations. Self advocacy, community supports, leadership training; public awareness; transportation; disability vote and community advocacy are just some of the areas that the Council works in. Below you will find more specific information on some of the Council's projects:
- ADA Indiana
- Annual Conference for People with Disabilities
- Back Home in Indiana
- Community Spirit Awards Program
- Community Transportation Initiative
- Consumer Investment Fund
- Council E-News
- Count Us IN
- Developing Public Transit in Your Community
- Disability Awareness Month (March)
- Fifth Freedom Network
- On Target
- Self Advocates of Indiana
- Supported Decision-Making
ADA Indiana
Council funds support ADA Indiana to serve as a statewide resource for promoting the implementation of the Americans with Disabilities Act in Indiana. ADA Indiana looks at policy issues, sponsors training events, and provides ADA mini-grants to organizations. This is a collaborative project between the Council, Indiana Institute for the Study of Disability and Community (IIDC), and Great Lakes ADA Center. For more information:
Conference on Disability
Every other year, the Council hosts a statewide conference in late Fall for people with disabilities, families, and community advocates. Presenters include national speakers and innovative presentations. Families, seniors, and people with disabilities receive a discounted registration fee and those on Social Security, SSDI, or SNAP may apply for partial scholarships.
Back Home in Indiana
The Back Home in Indiana Alliance is an ongoing task force that works on housing policy issues related to people with disabilities. Currently, the project receives Council funding to work in 6 Indiana communities to assist teams of people with disabilities and others to advocate to increase Indiana’s supply of affordable, accessible, and integrated housing.
Community Spirit Awards Program
The Council established the Community Spirit Awards in 2006, as annual recognition of the efforts of those individuals and organizations that make a difference, through their advocacy efforts, to insure that people with disabilities and children with disability have the opportunity, supports, and access they need to become fully included in society. The two award categories are: the Distinguished Leadership Awards and the Disability Awareness Campaign Awards. Winners receive recognition during the awards luncheon at the Council annual conference and names and information about each winner will be posted on the website after the awards ceremony.
Community Transportation Initiative
The Community Transportation Initiative was a three year project to generate energy and creative ideas to promote an expanded transportation system in Indiana. The CTI project used an academy model to train teams representing leadership in service, business, and government from local communities in the state. The model uses a series of steps to create a working plan specific to the needs of a community. A guide was developed as a part of the project to assist interested communities to replicate the project. The steps in the guide can be used independently or as training tool for a larger class comprised of multiple teams. Developing Public Transit in Your Community: Curriculum and Resource Guide
National Summit on Transportation For People With Disabilities in Rural Settings
Partly as a result of the CTI project, the Council was selected by the Administration on Developmental Disabilities to host a National Rural Transportation conference in October of 2003. A 100 page white paper/ final report of conference results is available on line National Summit on Transportation For People With Disabilities in Rural Settings Final report/"White Paper
Consumer Investment Fund
This program provides partial funding for people with disabilities and family members to enable them to attend and participate in events like conferences, public hearings, and workshops that reflect the "community inclusion" mission of the Council. The Council expects a return on its investment in the form of increased knowledge about issues and a commitment to share information with others, and to participate in community activities that will contribute to the independence, productivity, integration, and inclusion of people with disabilities. Applications can be requested or downloaded from the Council website:
Council E-News
The e-mail newsletter of the Council is distributed typically twice a month, but more often when the legislature is in session. It supplements the On Target print newsletter and is used to report breaking news and information about public hearings, policy issues, conferences, and related statewide news.
Count Us IN
Count Us IN was a two year project designed to increase the number of Hoosiers with disabilities who are involved in the electoral process as voters and volunteers and to assist in implementing the Help America Vote Act (HAVA). Follow the link below for a synopsis of Count Us IN activities, results, resources and information on opportunities for advocates to stay involved with ongoing efforts
Disability Awareness Month (March)
The goal of Disability Awareness Month is to increase awareness and promote positive attitudes and community inclusion of all people with disabilities. The Council develops a unique theme for this annual event and produces campaign materials that are available free of charge to community groups and advocates to assist in planning disability awareness related events and activities. For more information:
Fifth Freedom Network
A grassroots, cross-disability, consumer organization dedicated to removing physical and social barriers encountered by people with disabilities. Fifth Freedom brings about change through non-partisan political action, community events and projects, and public issues forums. In addition, Fifth Freedom distributes disability related information provided by numerous organizations to their extensive e-mail network. , a new project of Fifth Freedom, provides a searchable database with information on disability resources throughout the state. For more information
Leadership Training Programs
The Council funds different types of training programs designed to assist adults and youth with disabilities, and parents of children with disabilities to develop skills and take leadership roles. Some projects focus on legislative or policy issues, or provide training on a specific topic like transit. Other projects, such as Partners in Policymaking and the Hoosier Leadership Institute, are designed to develop general advocacy and leadership skills, an understanding of disability culture/history, and knowledge of best practices and available services.
Self Advocates of Indiana
A project to support Indiana’s only statewide Indiana organization run by and for people with developmental disabilities and assist them in expanding their organizational capacity. Visit the SAI website to learn about self-advocacy and its history in Indiana, get information about upcoming meetings and special events, identify local self-advocacy groups, and find out what self-advocates are doing across the state.