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Every five years, the Indiana Governor’s Council for People with Disabilities is required by federal law to develop a 5-year strategic plan, outlining goals, objectives and specific activities that will be implemented each year of the plan. With public input and guidance from the Administration on Intellectual Developmental Disabilities, the state plan is developed in accordance with requirements of the Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act of 2000 (DD Act).
The 2017-2021 State Plan covers the time period from October 1, 2016 to September 30, 2021. It addresses specific information required by the federal Administration on Developmental Disabilities, and includes the Council's determination of areas of emphasis and resulting goals and objectives for the five-year time period. The Council must spend a minimum of 70 percent of its federal funding to address the Plan objectives. All programs and projects of the Council are to be conducted in a manner that respects individual differences and cultural diversity.
Click here to view a PDF of the 2017-2021 State Plan
Click here to view a PDF of the response to public comments
The DD Act, which provides the framework for how goals and objectives are developed, requires that state plans:
- Be developed through data-driven strategic planning.
- Be derived from the unmet needs of individuals with developmental disabilities and their families.
- Focus on advocacy, capacity building and systems change.
- Reflect the diversity of the state.
- Address needs of populations who are considered unserved and underserved. According to the DD Act, this includes populations such as individuals from racial and ethnic minority backgrounds, disadvantaged individuals, individuals with limited English proficiency, individuals from underserved geographic areas (rural or urban) and specific groups of individuals within the population of individuals with developmental disabilities.
In addition, the State Plan must include annual activities that:
- Establish or strengthen a program for the direct funding of a state self-advocacy organization led by individuals with developmental disabilities.
- Support opportunities for individuals with developmental disabilities who are considered leaders to provide leadership training to individuals with developmental disabilities who may become leaders.
- Support and expand participation of individuals with developmental disabilities in cross-disability and culturally diverse leadership coalitions.
2017-2021 STATE PLAN
Promote a comprehensive system that results in self-directed community supports and engagement for people with disabilities.
- Convene a home and community based services workgroup of consumers and key stakeholders to guide the development of policy recommendations and educational materials for legislators and policymakers.
- Advocate for a minimum of (5) five new or amended state or public programs, policies, or practices including improvements to home and community based supports and services, and funding changes that support self-directed community living.
- Support a minimum of (10) ten programs and policies that increase safe, accessible, affordable, and integrated housing and community infrastructure.
- Develop and promote educational and information resources that facilitate community engagement and accessibility.
- Engage with community partners to educate a minimum of 400 people with disabilities and family members about legal rights and remedies to home and community based services and equitable access to services.
- Educate a minimum of 100 direct care providers and families on the importance of recognizing and respecting the autonomy of individuals with disabilities.
Increase resources, access and options for competitive, integrated employment at a living wage for people with disabilities.
- Work with partners, including policymakers, employers, and Chambers of Commerce, to develop and implement a plan to double the number of individuals with developmental disabilities who are employed in competitive, integrated employment at minimum wage or higher by 2021.
- Through collaboration with the Indiana Institute on Disability and Community, Indiana Disability Rights, and the Council, the Developmental Disabilities Network will work with Indiana Association of People Supporting Employment First (INAPSE) and other partners to advocate for the adoption and implementation of a statewide Employment First initiative.
- Increase the employment of youth transitioning from high school to adult life through business, industry, and government partnerships by 10%.
- Promote opportunities for youth and adults with disabilities to develop career pathways that match their interests, skills, and desires.
- Educate a minimum of 50 people with disabilities about opportunities to become self-employed or create a microenterprise.
- Educate a minimum of 250 people with disabilities and family members on work incentives and financial options such as ABLE accounts and special needs trusts.
- Provide information to a minimum of 1,500 educators, guidance counselors, employers, family members, and educational support staff that addresses attitudinal barriers and misperceptions, as well as highlights successes, about the employment of people with disabilities.
- Advocate to abolish the sub-minimum wage while expanding other employment options.
Reduce disparities through ensuring equal access, health promotion, illness prevention, and treatment of acute and chronic illnesses for people with disabilities.
- Identify and encourage the use of at least (3) three emerging approaches that promote increased access to health care such as telemedicine and home visits.
- Promote healthy lifestyles and illness prevention through patient-focused health care, education, and equitable wellness incentives.
- Identify at least (4) four barriers to women’s health care, including preventative screening and healthcare access for women who have disabilities, and develop recommendations to address disparities through outreach, education, and changes to policies and practices.
- Identify and address at least (4) four policy, practice, or funding systems barriers to access to mental health and addiction services for people with disabilities.
- Identify and address at least (5) five educational needs and policy changes to improve appropriate access and respect for people with disabilities in hospitals and other healthcare settings.
Increase resources, access, and options for transportation for people with disabilities.
- Identify and address at least (4) four transportation-related policies, practices, or funding barriers to community employment or participation and conduct activities to improve access to transportation and mobility.
- Advocate for changes in Medicaid and waiver regulations and policies related to transportation.
- Identify and train at least 25 transportation service providers on disability etiquette, respect, and rider rights.
- Increase transportation options by recommending policy changes that reduce multijurisdictional issues, promote ride-sharing, and support additional funding sources.
Promote full inclusion through educating people with disabilities, their families, and their communities.
- Support a statewide organization(s) led by self-advocates who will train other self-advocates to become leaders and expand participation of individuals with developmental disabilities in cross-disability and culturally diverse coalitions.
- Assist at least 400 individuals with disabilities and family members to gain the knowledge, skills, and opportunities to influence decisions that affect the lives of people with disabilities.
- Promote mutual understanding and appreciation between people with and without disabilities through a comprehensive campaign and other effort that result in participation of at least 2,000 individuals per year in disability awareness events and activities.
- Support the growth and development of a cross-disability statewide advocacy network to disseminate information and achieve change through nonpartisan political action, community engagement, and public issue forums.
- Serve as a statewide resource to individuals with disabilities, their caregivers, and others by providing educational materials and information about state and community-based resources.
- Promote programs that educate at least 250 law enforcement and first responders on how to properly engage with individuals with disabilities.