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On-line and In Person Advocacy Training Programs and Other Resources

ADA Indiana 

Americans with Disabilities Act training and information about audio conferences, webinars, and online training about all aspects of the ADA. Past webinars and audio conferences are archived.

Disability Rights Course  

A free, self-paced course that provides a general understanding of the major federal disability laws, what laws apply in different scenarios, and resources for help and information.


An online equipment loan library for EasterSeals' INDATA project

Family Voices Indiana

Information on a variety of online and in person trainings for parents of children with disabilities and special health care needs including training on accessing health care options, parent/professional partnerships, maximizing waiver dollars, etc.


Free podcasts as well as online and in-person training on special education and similar topics including bullying prevention, parent volunteer training, special needs foster care, and more.

About Special Kids (ASK)

Free online training on Indiana Article 7 special education law, and in-person training on other topics for a small fee.

Indiana Institute on Disability and Community

Uses a lifespan approach to address major life areas. Eight separate centers of information: Autism, Early Intervention, Education, Employment, Livable Communities, Self-Advocates and Families, Transition, and Interdisciplinary Education Training Program.

Consumer Education Fund (CEF)

A Council program that uses an application process to provide partial reimbursement of costs for state and national conferences and seminars, to enable people with disabilities and parents of children with disabilities to attend.

Partners in Policymaking Online

The national Partners in Policymaking website provides part of the curricula in the form of five free self directed e-learning classes which include certificates of completion:

  1. Partners in Living
    1. Seven (7)-hour course on self-determination, family support, community living and assistive technology
  2. Partners in Time
    1. Eight (8)-hour on the history of society's treatment of people with disabilities
  3. Partners in Education
    1. Three (3)-hour course on how to understand and maximize the special education system
  4. Partners in Making Your Case
    1. Three (3)-hour course on the legislative process, good advocacy, researching issues, and advocating for systems change. Includes a link to a free app, "Telling Your Story," which is available for iPhone, iPad, and Kindle Fire HD.
  5. Partners in Employment
    1. Six (6)-hour course designed to help people with disabilities find meaningful jobs and plan a career

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