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As a result of House Bill 1019 (2015) and Senate bill 375 (2016), the following changes will become effective 1/1/17; these changes apply to all public works contracts awarded after December 31, 2016. The changes can be found in Indiana Code (IC) 4-13.6-4-2.5.
The primary legislative change requires Contractors to be pre-qualified prior to performing any work on most public works project for local units of governments and state Projects.
Local Unit Public Work Projects
- Contractors must be pre-qualified with the Indiana Public Works Certification Board prior to starting work on any local public works project estimated to be over three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000). Contractors will not be required to be qualified for a local unit public works project if the contract to be awarded is less than three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000); and the local unit of government complies with IC 36-1-12 in awarding the contract for the public works project.
- Pre-qualification information and applications
State Public Work Projects
- Contractors must be pre-qualified prior to bid, for any public works project where the estimated cost is over one hundred fifty thousand dollars ($150,000) (IC 4-13.6-4-2).
- Subcontractors on state projects must be pre-qualified prior to starting work on a project if the scope of work is over one hundred fifty thousand dollars ($150,000)
- Suppliers, as defined by IC 4-13.6-1-20, are not required to be qualified under this chapter (IC 4-13.6-4-2.5).
This chapter does not affect qualification requirements for state public works projects under IC 4-13.6. The Department of Administration, Public Works Division, maintains a list of contractors and designers, qualified to perform public work project.