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As identified in Article 13.1 of the Indiana Code, the Office of Technology (IOT) is required to:
- Establish the standards for the technology infrastructure of the state.
- Focus state information technology services to improve service levels to citizens and lower the costs of providing information technology services.
- Bring the best and most appropriate technology solutions to bear on state technology applications.
- Improve and expand government services provided electronically.
- Provide for the technology and procedures for the state to do business with the greatest security possible.
IOT is a trusted enterprise-technology provider that enables partners to securely deliver high-quality services to citizens.
The mission of the Indiana Office of Technology is to provide cost-effective, secure, consistent, reliable enterprise-technology services to our partner agencies so that they can better serve our mutual customer, the Hoosier taxpayer. IOT will also act as the technology and solution enabler for the State, helping its partner agencies achieve business objectives and innovation.
- Aggressively balance costs, while still providing great service.
- Deliver value-add services to customers.
- Meet service levels for each agency we support.
- Operate to assure operational and data integrity.
- Treat our internal customers, our partners, with respect.
- Core Services Delivery, Cost Competitiveness, Executive Branch Security Readiness and Preferred Workplace.
IOT was created in 2005 as part of an effort to consolidate IT organizations across Indiana state government. 135 PCN’s were eliminated due to this consolidation. The state saves $13.9 million annually due to remote service maintenance efficiencies, personnel efficiencies, software licensing consolidation and cost avoidance.
(See the complete IOT Services Catalog and IOT Mainframe Services Catalog) We provide the following services:
- Application Development: Mobile and Web development, Forefront Identity Manager, Scripting/Automation.
- BizTalk: Custom application development on the BizTalk platform.
- Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery: Develop recovery plans to maintain critical systems.
- Communicaion & External Affairs: Creative direction for, internal & external communication and legislative liaison.
- Customer Service: Helpdesk for hardware and software issues for desktop, laptop, tablet, phone, network devices. User security.
- Data Center Operations: 24x7 Data Center management; Mainframe Production, Transactions and Storage support.
- Data Center Services: Physical and Virtual Server support, storage services.
- Database Services: Database Hosting, Database Administration.
- Desktop/PC Refresh: Desktop/Laptop support, PC Refresh process.
- DOR System Administration: Provides dedicated frontline support for the operational infrastructure of DOR.
- Enterprise Shared Services: Messaging, Active Directory, Mobile Management, Citrix, and Sharepoint/CRM services.
- Field Operations: PC, printer, network and remote-server support to all state agencies. Hardware break/fix for all IOT-supported equipment.
- Finance: Billing, budgeting and IT procurements.
- FSSA-DFR Support: FSSA-DFR infrastructure and FSSA-DFR unique application support.
- GMIS: PeopleSoft Financials and Human Resources, and Hyperion Budget Planning.
- GIS Services: ArcGIS Server Access, GIS Data Storage/Backup, ArcSDE DB Hosting.
- Identity Management: Manage Active Directory (AD) domain services for the organization.
- IN.Gov: Web Portal services.
- Information Security Program: The program provides a part-time information security resource to agencies that do not have a CISO.
- Large Project Delivery: Contract Management, consulting, PPRM process.
- Mainframe: 24x7 Mainframe systems and programming support.
- Network Maintenance: Voice services and Layer 2 network support.
- Network Management: Cellular phone services, Data network connectivity, adds, moves, changes. VPN remote access.
- OCTO: Data architecture, cloud architecture, systems administration
- Project Success Center: Professionalize project management and partner with IOT’s customers.
- Security: Security Operations, Risk & Compliance
- Security-IN-ISAC: Cybersecurity training
- Server Administration: Server infrastructure support.
- Service Management: Implement ITIL best practices for Incident, Problem, Service Level, Change, and Customer Satisfaction Management.
- Tier3 Services: Global changes, security, software installation, Windows administrative tasks and troubleshooting desktops/laptops.
- Unified Communications: IP telephony, video, WebEx and Call Center services.
- WAN-Remote Infrastructure: Site surveys, capacity planning, and requirements setting for remote office infrastructure and connectivity.
(see our Service Level Objectives documented within the IOT Services Catalog.
Account Management
Cost Competitiveness
Customer Service
Field Operations
IT Security Readiness
Large IT Project Management (> $1MM)
Mainframe Administration
Network Administration
Server Administration
Our customers: Indiana taxpayers
- Consolidated all agencies into one shared services organization
- 4% ($227,478) reduction in network connectivity costs for our agenices in 2018.
- IOT hosted the WorkSmart365 conference in partnership with Microsoft to drive awareness and promote adoption of Office 365 products for the State of IN. Now that the majority of on-premise content (Exchange/SharePoint) resides in Office 365 it is critical that IOT take the next step and help ourselves and our customers take advantage of all that comes along with Office 365 and use these tools to modernize our workflows and business practices. The WorkSmart365 conference gave IOT the platform to provide leadership, guidance and business value to our customers.
- Improved on Windows Patching, created reports for agency to view new / failed patches. Worked to get a 98% success rate on windows patching. Went from over 100 servers with issues down to 60 servers with issues.
- Implemented PeopleSoft Financial System across 130 BUs and PeopleSoft HR for the entire state
- Implemented a common look and feel for 108 agencies on an enterprise Web Content Management Solution
- Teamed with Indiana University for first state disaster recovery capability (reconfigured network)
- Implemented a four-year PC refresh as well as switch refresh at no increased cost (Green Award)
- Developed Information Security Policy / secure network / personal security
- ISDH and IOT received praise from the CDC for our work on getting IWEB\VOMS\AFIX functional in our environment.
- Migrated Inspector General's “CaTs & DoGs” applications into the protected zone. The systems contain confidential information regarding investigations as well as financial disclosure and ethics opinion findings.
- The first workstream for the ADH project has completed which was a huge undertaking which involved multiple teams. The result from this project will be enhanced and needed security protections which will help strengthen the State of IN security posture.
- The AD team undertook a project which corrected a bad practice of over a decade where SPD users had multiple accounts as they were embedded in various agencies. This practice resulted in confusion for administrators, bad user experience and an excess of cost due to multiple licenses needing to be applied to these duplicate accounts. Consolidating SPD HRD accounts has saved license costs, time and resources for both our customer and ourselves.
- Implemented Transparency Website
- Transitioned DFR Modernization in-house after IBM termination
- Transitioned Ivy Tech and City of Indianapolis onto our mainframe
- Transitioned to one email system - 107 agency servers to 16
- Consolidated City of Indianapolis Mainframe applications onto the State’s Mainframe
- Consolidated Ball State University applications onto the State’s Mainframe
- Consolidated GIS software licensing for all state agencies
- 63% of Servers statewide have been transitioned to VMs (2,326 of 3,709)
- Implemented an Enterprise Project and Portfolio Management System using MS Project Online
- Created a State PM User Group to mentor and share the IOT PSC Methodology and Framework with other State agencies
- Consolidated and centralized support of the State network
- Transitioned to a new support vendor for the Genesys PureConnect Call-Center platform
- Implemented Request Management in IOT's ITSM system (vFire)
- Completed Network Access Control implementation in Indiana Government Center North, started in Indiana Government Center South
- Implemented a comprehensive Federal Draw Billing process in PeopleSoft Financials to track grants draws reimbursing all agencies' Federal grants expenditures
- Broadband Mapping
- Cyber Security
- Data Sharing Initiative
- Hardware Refresh (~7,000 annually)
- Identity Management
- State-wide hosted VoIP solution
- Mobile Device & Application Deployment
- Ortho/LiDAR
- Time Clocks Deployment
- SOF Automation
- Legacy Software Retirement
- IN-ISAC & Security Operations Center
- Multi-Site High Availability (MHA)
- Modern design for agency
- Licensed Software Inventory/Mgt System
- 2018 Center for Digital Government awarded the state an A- in its biennial Digital States Survey
- 2018 3rd Place Government Experience Awards.
- 2018 Hosted 3rd annual Best of Indiana awards
- 2018 won 19 digital government, design or user experience awards
- 2017 CIO Dewand Neely was named one of GovTech’s Top 25 Doers, Dreamers & Drivers of 2017
- 2017 named 2nd best state online experience by Government Experience Awards
- 2017 INBIZ wins Government-to-Business Experience Award
- 2017 won 27 digital government, design or user experience awards, including the above two items
- 2017 Hosted 2nd annual Best of Indiana awards
- 2017 Presenters and Panelist in Chicago at Microsoft's Project and Portfolio Management Summit
- 2016 5th best state government website in Best of the Web awards
- 2016 IN-ISAC wins the 2016 Digital Government Achievement Award a year after its launch
- 2016 Center for Digital Government awarded the state an A- in its biennial Digital States Survey 2016 IN-ISAC wins a Cybersecurity Leadership and Innovation Award
- 2016 Hosted 1st annual Best of Indiana awards, recognizing Indiana state and local government and education organizations for their dedication, hard work and contributions in information technology.
- 2015 3rd Place Digital States Best of Web
- 2015 CIO on cover of Government Technology Magazine w/Governor Pence OMB Director
- 2015 Special Achievement in GIS award in recognition for the high level of county/state cooperation in data sharing
- TPI and Gartner benchmark studies - IOT costs consistently lower than industry average yet provides better services
- Digital Government Magazine’s Excellence Award for the consolidation
- Info World Magazine Excellence Award for consolidation / service excellence initiatives