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Indiana State Nutrient Reduction Strategy

Indiana State Nutrient Reduction Strategy

2020 Brochure 

Full StrategyWabash River
Executive Summary
Table of Contents
Milestones and Action Items Table

The Indiana State Nutrient Reduction Strategy (SNRS) is the product of an inclusive effort of the Indiana Conservation Partnership (ICP) under the leadership of the Indiana State Department of Agriculture (ISDA) and the Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) to capture statewide, present and future endeavors in Indiana, which positively impact the State’s waters, as well as gauge the progress of conservation, water quality improvement and soil health practice adoption in Indiana.

The SNRS represents Indiana’s commitment to reduce nutrient runoff into waters from point sources and non-point sources alike. The objectives of this strategy include:

  1. Identifying water quality challenges and concerns in Indiana;
  2. Involvement and engaging of stakeholders and partners in the state’s efforts to reduce nutrients loads;
  3. Prioritization of HUC 8 watersheds within Indiana, and further prioritization of smaller HUC12 watersheds within Indiana’s ten major river and lake basins;
  4. Discussion of water quality monitoring and regulatory control of point sources;
  5. The inventory and utilization of resources and practices to achieve their highest impact on nutrient reduction;
  6. Encouragement of voluntary incentive based conservation through the many local, state and federal water quality related programs;
  7. And measuring the impacts of conservation best management practices and tracking nutrient load reductions.

The Indiana SNRS serves as a renewed effort to encourage outreach and education to conservation partnerships and the public regarding stewardship of Indiana’s waters.  The strategy acknowledges that while the potential to reduce nitrogen and phosphorus entering our waters is great, the achievement of these objectives is dependent upon the cooperation of state, federal and local organizations and initiatives, positively changing individuals’ behavior via understanding their motivations, as well as many other complex factors, including the location and nature of conservation practices on productive agricultural ground and other rural best management practices (BMPs) such as filter strips, buffers, nutrient management, and managed drainage.  Septic system management, appropriate residential fertilizer applications, erosion control at construction sites, and urban BMPs such as green infrastructure will be key to controlling nutrient runoff.  As such, there will always be a need for continued efforts in conservation, education, outreach and research in order to maintain progress.

Indiana Science Assessment

Indiana's Commitment to Enhance Water Quality

Please click on a colored basin below to get more information about water quality initiatives.
View larger map

For more information about Indiana's commitment to enhance water quality, please contact ISDA.

Conservation Achievements

The Indiana Conservation Partnership (ICP) aims to provide technical, financial and educational assistance to Hoosiers working to positively impact our soil and water resources.  The ICP provides expertise to landowners and leverages both state and federal funds to put conservation on the ground in the form of Best Management Practices and technologies.  Below are links to the ICP’s achievements across the state for 2017, including the conservation workload of the partnership as a whole, as well as the resulting annual nutrient and sediment load reductions, which illustrate the amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus and topsoil that are kept out of Indiana’s waterways.

Indiana's Sediment and Nutrient Load Reductions - Interactive Map

Download Sediment and Nutrient Load Reduction data by HUC 12 Watershed

2019 Sediment and Nutrient Load Reductions in Significant Watersheds and Waterbodies

2019 Sediment and Nutrient Load Reductions for Indiana's Congressional Districts

For previous years' data, please visit the archive

Contact Us

ISDA appreciates receiving feedback regarding the State Nutrient Reduction Strategy. Please email your comments to ISDANutrientReduction@isda.in.gov

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