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Trauma and Injury Prevention Definitions
Public Health Preparedness Districts
District 1: Jasper, Lake, LaPorte, Newton and Porter counties
District 2: Elkhart, Fulton, Kosciusko, Marshall, Pulaski, Starke and St. Joseph counties
District 3: Adams, Allen, Dekalb, Huntington, LaGrange, Miami, Noble, Steuben, Wabash, Wells and Whitley counties
District 4: Benton, Cass, Carroll, Clinton, Fountain, Montgomery, Tippecanoe, Warren and White counties
District 5: Boone, Hancock, Hamilton, Hendricks, Johnson, Marion, Morgan and Shelby counties
District 6: Blackford, Delaware, Fayette, Grant, Henry, Howard, Jay, Madison, Randoph, Rush, Tipton, Union and Wayne counties
District 7: Clay, Greene, Owen, Parke, Putnam, Sullivan, Vermillion and Vigo counties
District 8: Bartholomew, Brown, Jackson, Lawrence, Monroe, Orange and Washington counties
District 9: Clark, Dearborn, Decatur, Floyd, Franklin, Harrison, Jefferson, Jennings, Ohio, Ripley, Scott and Switzerland counties
District 10: Crawford, Daviess, Dubois, Gibson, Knox, Martin, Pike, Perry, Posey, Spencer, Vanderburgh and Warrick counties
Bypass - transport of an EMS patient past a normally used EMS receiving facility to a designated medical facility for the purpose of accessing more readily available or appropriate medical care
Communications system - a collection of individual communication networks, a transmission system, relay stations, and control and base stations capable of interconnection and interoperation that are designed to form an integral whole. The individual components must serve a common purpose, be technically compatible, employ common procedures, respond to control, and operate in unison.
Critical Access Hospital (CAH)- a rural, limited service hospital that has been converted to a special designation as a Critical Access Hospital under the Medicare Rural Hospital Flexibility Grant Program. The majority of CAHs are in Health Professional Shortage Areas and/or Medically Underserved Areas. CAHs are limited to 25 beds or fewer.
Designation - formal recognition of hospitals as providers of specialized services to meet the needs of the severely injured patient; usually involves a contractual relationship and is based on adherence to standards
Disaster - any occurrence that causes damage, ecological destruction, loss of human lives, or deterioration of health and health services on a scale sufficient to warrant an extraordinary response from outside the affected community area
Dispatch - coordination of emergency resources in response to a specific event
Diversion - a hospital goes on diversion when there are not enough beds or staff available or when a natural or manmade disaster occurs, rendering all or parts of a hospital unusable. A hospital on diversion status notifies EMS services so that patients can be diverted to other hospitals.
Emergency Medical Services for Children (EMS-C) - an arrangement of personnel, facilities and equipment for the effective and coordinated delivery of emergency health services to infants and children that is fully integrated within the emergency medical system of which it is a part
Emergency Medical Services System (EMS) - a system that provides for the arrangement of personnel, facilities, and equipment for the effective and coordinated delivery of health care services in appropriate geographical areas under emergency conditions
Field Categorization (classification) - a medical emergency classification procedure for patients that is applicable under conditions encountered at the site of a medical emergency
Inclusive Trauma System - a trauma system that incorporates every health care facility in a community in a system in order to provide a continuum of services for all injured persons who require care in an acute care facility; in such a system, the injured patient's needs are matched to the appropriate hospital resources
Injury - the result of an act that damages, harms, or hurts; unintentional or intentional damage to the body resulting from acute exposure to thermal, mechanical, electrical or chemical energy or from the absence of such essentials as heat or oxygen
Injury control - the scientific approach to injury that includes analysis, data acquisition, identification of problem injuries in high risk groups, option analysis and implementing and evaluating countermeasures
Injury prevention - efforts to forestall or prevent events that might result in injuries
Injury rate - a statistical measure describing the number of injuries expected to occur in a defined number of people (usually 100,000) within a defined period (usually 1 year). Used as an expression of the relative risk of different injuries or groups
INSPECT - Indiana's prescription drug monitoring program; this program collects and tracks controlled substance dispensation data.
Lead agency - an organization that serves as the focal point for program development on the local, regional or state level
Major trauma - that subset of injuries that encompasses the patient with or at risk for the most severe or critical types of injury and therefore requires a systems approach in order to save life and limb
Mechanism of injury - the source of forces that produce mechanical deformations and physiologic responses that cause an anatomic lesion or functional change in humans
Medical control - physician direction over prehospital activities to ensure efficient and proficient trauma triage, transportation, and care, as well as ongoing quality management morbidity - the relative incidence of disease
Morbidity rate – the proportion of hospitalizations and emergency department visits to population
Mortality rate - the proportion of deaths to population
Overtriage - directing patients to trauma centers when they do not need such specialized care. Overtriage occurs because of incorrect identification of patients as having severe injuries when retrospective analysis indicates minor injuries.
Protocols - standards for EMS or hospital patient care practice in a variety of situations within the trauma system
Quality/performance improvement - a method of evaluating and improving processes of patient care which emphasizes a multidisciplinary approach to problem solving, and focuses not on individuals, but systems of patient care which might be the cause of variations; broad term which encompasses both quality assurance and quality improvement, describing a program of evaluating the quality of care using a variety of methodologies and techniques.
Regionalization - the identification of available resources within a given geographic area, and coordination of services to meet the needs of a specific group of patients
Rehabilitation - services that seek to return a trauma patient to the fullest physical, psychological, social, vocational, and educational level of functioning of which he or she is capable, consistent with physiological or anatomical impairments and environmental limitations
Relative risk - a ratio of the probability of an event occurring in the exposed group versus the probability of the event occurring in the non-exposed group
Response time - the time lapse between when an emergency response unit is dispatched and arrives at the scene of the emergency
Risk factor - a characteristic that has been statistically demonstrated to be associated with (although not necessarily the direct cause of) a particular injury. Risk factors can be used for targeting preventive efforts at groups who may be particularly in danger of injury
Rural - those areas not designated as metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs)
Service area (catchment area) - that geographic area defined by the local EMS agency in its trauma care system plan as the area served by a designated trauma center
Specialty care facility - an acute care facility that provides specialized services and specially trained personnel to care for a specific portion of the injured population, such as pediatric, burn injury, or spinal cord injury patients
Surveillance - the ongoing and systematic collection, analysis, and interpretation of health data in the process of describing and monitoring a health event
Trauma - a term derived from the Greek for "wound"; it refers to any bodily injury (see injury)
Trauma care system - an organized approach to treating patients with acute injuries; it provides dedicated (available 24 hours a day) personnel, facilities, and equipment for effective and coordinated trauma care in an appropriate geographical region
Trauma center - a specialized hospital facility distinguished by the immediate availability of specialized surgeons, physician specialists, anesthesiologists, nurses, and resuscitation and life support equipment on a 24-hour basis to care for severely injured patients or those at risk for severe injury
Trauma registry - a collection of data on patients who receive hospital care for certain types of injuries. Such data are primarily designed to ensure quality trauma care and outcomes in individual institutions and trauma systems, but have the secondary purpose of providing useful data for the surveillance of injury morbidity and mortality
Trauma team - the multidisciplinary group of professionals who have been designated to collectively render care for trauma patients in a particular trauma care system
Triage - the process of sorting injured patients on the basis of the actual or perceived degree of injury and assigning them to the most effective and efficient regional care resources, in order to insure optimal care and the best chance of survival
Triage criteria - measures or methods of assessing the severity of a person's injuries that are used for patient evaluation, especially in the prehospital setting, and that use anatomic and physiologic considerations-and mechanism of injury
Uncompensated care - care for which no reimbursement is made Undertriage - directing fewer patients to trauma centers than is warranted because of incorrect identification of patients as having minor injuries when retrospective analysis indicates severe injuries
Violent death - a homicide, suicide, death due to legal intervention, undetermined death, or an unintentional firearm-related death
9-1-1 - a three-digit telephone number to facilitate the reporting of an incident or situation requiring response by a public safety agency
Enhanced 9-1-1 - a telephone system that includes automatic number identification, automatic location identification, and (optimally) selective routing, to facilitate appropriate public safety response
ABLS - Advanced Burn Life Support
ACS – American College of Surgeons
ASPR – Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Responses
ATLS – Advanced Trauma Life Support
BIS – Benchmarks, Indicators, and Scoring
CARF – Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities
CDC – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
CDSA - Coroner Data Sharing Agreement
CODES – Crash Outcomes Data Evaluation System Project
DC - Death Certificate
ED - Emergency Department
EMS – Emergency Medical Services
ESAR-VHP – Emergency System for Advanced Registration of Volunteer Health Personnel
FARS- Fatality Analysis Reporting System
HRSA – Health Resources and Services Administration
ICD - International Classification of Diseases
ICJI – Indiana Criminal Justice Institute
IDHS – Indiana Department of Homeland Security
INVDRS - Indiana Violent Death Reporting System
IPAC - Injury Prevention Advisory Council
IPV - Interpersonal Violence
ISDH – Indiana State Department of Health
ITAG – Indiana Trauma Advisory Group
ITN – Indiana Trauma Network
LEDSA - Law Enforcement Data Sharing Agreement
MC - Medical Coroner
ME - Medical Examiner
MPH – Miles Per Hour
MTSPE – Model Trauma Systems Planning and Evaluation
NVDRS– National Violent Death Reporting System
NEMSIS – National Emergency Medical Services Information System
NTDB – National Trauma Data Bank
ODO - Other Drug Overdose
OPR - Opioid Pain Reliever
PALS – Pediatric Advanced Life Support
PDMP - Prescription Drug Monitoring Program
PDO - Prescription Drug Overdose
PI – Performance Improvement
PIP – Personal Injury Protection
PM & R – Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
PRQ – Pre-review Questionnaire
RTTDC – Rural Trauma Team Development Course
SCI – Spinal Cord Injury
STAB – State Trauma Advisory Board
STEMI – ST Elevated Myocardial Infarction
SVT – Site Visit Team
TBI – Traumatic Brain Injury
TRCC – Traffic Records Coordinating Committee
TSATF – Trauma System Advisory Task Force
TSC – Trauma System Consultation
UUDO - Unintentional or Undetermined Overdose
WISQARS– Web-based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System
Common Term Abbreviation:
Interpersonal Violence (IPV) - this involves intentional injury directed from one person to another
Prescription Drug Overdose (PDO) - This refers to excessive use of prescription drugs (typically opioid based pain medication) which results in overdose effects which affects respiration and can cause death.
Strengths and Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) Analysis - This is an analysis that is used to evaluate aspects of an organization or system that are helpful or harmful. The information that is collected can be used to come up with items to address for system improvement in order enhance helpful aspects and reduce harmful ones.
ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) - STEMI is the most severe of heart attacks which is characterized by an elevated ST-segment in an electrocardiogram (EKG)
Reporting Systems:
Indiana Violent Death Reporting System (INVDRS) - INVDRS is a surveillance system that collects data on incidents of violent deaths in Indiana. This program is the result of a grant through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which serves as an extension of the National Violent Death Reporting System.
Indiana Trauma Registry (ITR) - The trauma registry is a repository of trauma injury occurrences from hospitals from across the state. The data collected is used to analyze how the trauma system is working and improve the quality of care provided.
Overdose Prevention Therapy-Indiana (OptIN) - OptIN is a registry of Naloxone providers which have registered with the Indiana State Department of Health under the Indiana Statewide Naloxone Standing Order. OptIN was created under Senate Bill 406, or Aarons Law in commemoration of Aaron Sims of Indiana who died of a heroin overdose.
Children's Safety Collaborative Innovation and Improvement Network (CS CoIIN) - Is a group working with Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), Maternal and Child Health Bureau (MCHB), and about 22 states including Indiana in order to reduce childhood violence and injury occurrences. CS CoIIN provides technical assistance to states in order to help states build effective injury and violence prevention programs.
Indiana Injury Prevention Advisory Council (IPAC) - IPAC consists of partnering agencies interested in reducing instances of preventable injuries. These agencies present the progress made in reducing injuries and seek collaboration and feedback from members of the council.
Indiana Trauma Network (ITN) - ITN is a group of medical and health professionals who collaborate, network, and mentor each other on the process and transition of becoming a trauma center.
Indiana State Trauma Care Committee (ISTCC) - The ISTCC reviews trauma and injury related efforts performed by the state each quarter and then discusses by district what progress/updates have been made for the trauma systems in each area and makes recommendations for further development of the statewide trauma system.
Indiana Violent Death Reporting System (INVDRS) Advisory Board - This advisory board includes individuals or organizations that have injury reporting experience that may be able to contribute to the development of INVDRS and facilitate dialogue of the running and progress of the reporting system.
Performance Improvement (PI) Subcommittee - This committee discusses potential data quality improvement efforts for the Indiana Trauma Registry
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