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Campground Inspection and Approval Program

Program Overview

Welcome to the home page for the Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH) Recreational Vehicle Camp Construction Approval and Facility Inspection Program.  ISDH’s Environmental Public Health Division inspects recreational vehicle campgrounds, and approves plans for construction or alteration of recreational vehicle campgrounds.  The program seeks to insure safe facilities, proper water supply, and proper sewage disposal.

Announcements / Current News

COVID-19 Information

Cleaning and Disinfecting Your Facility_CDC


EPA Alert  for RV, Boat and Mobile Home Owners and Park Operators about Safe Wastewater Disposal 

This EPA alert addresses the problem of using commercial products to control odors from sewage holding tanks. Some of those products contain chemicals which may pollute water resources. Using those chemicals and then emptying a holding tank into a septic system (or other onsite wastewater treatment system) or disposing of holding tank waste illegally, may create health and environmental hazards. Read the alert to find out about safe practices to control odors from sewage holding tanks.


Indiana certified water laboratories
Pre-approved Automatic Hot Water Temperature Control Valves
Pre-approved Exterior Drinking Fountains and Yard Hydrants
Pre-approved Exterior Water and Sewer Piping
Pre-approved Manufactured Septic Tanks
Roster of Campgrounds 


Application for Permit for Construction or Alteration of a Recreational Vehicle Campground

Order Form for Drinking Water Sample Bottle    
Anyone can submit a drinking water sample for sodium, fluoride, nitrate, or bacteriological analysis by the ISDH Laboratory.  The ISDH laboratory will provide a sterilized sample bottle with shipping form and container, upon payment of the necessary fee.

Laws and Regulations

410 IAC 6-2.1 Public and Semi-Public Pools - or -  PDF
410 IAC 6-7.1 Campgrounds - or - PDF 
410 IAC 6-10.1 Commercial On-Site Wastewater Disposal
410 IAC 6-12 Plan Review, Construction Permits, and Fees for Services
675 IAC 20 Swimming Pool Construction Code

Program Information and Policies

Abandonment or Removal of an Onsite Sewage System - or - PDF

Abandonment or Removal of a Recreational Vehicle Campground

Bulletin S.E. 11
A planning guide including minimum requirements for the construction of vault privies.

Campground Plan Review Specifications

Disease Caused by Sewage or Sewage Contaminated Water - or - PDF

Fees Required for the Construction Permit Application

Frost-free Hydrants Policy - or - PDF
Frost-proof (or freezeless) hydrants with stop and waste valves which, when turned off, drain back and discharge through subsurface outlets are not approved for use in public facilities. This policy relates to water distribution systems serving properties and commercial facilities under the jurisdiction of the State Department of Health.

Guidelines for safe recreational water environments - From WHO.

Hand Washing.
Information on why hand washing is important; how diseases are spread; when hands should be washed; the proper way to wash hands; and how hand washing can protect you and your family.

Installation of submetering equipment for individual units IC 8-1-2-36.5 and 170 IAC 4-5 Electric Submeters of Master Meter Accounts
The provisions of these rules [170 IAC 4-5] are intended to establish a system to assure that the practices involving submetering are just and reasonable to the tenant and the owner and to establish the rights and responsibilities of the owner and tenant.

Landlord distributing water or sewage disposal service IC 8-1-2-1.2
Requirements for exemption from treatment as a public utility; allowed charges; disclosure; complaints. A landlord that distributes water or sewage disposal service from a public utility or a municipally owned utility to one (1) or more units is not a public utility solely by reason of engaging in this activity if the landlord complies with the conditions cited in IC 8-1-1.2(b).

Rats and Mice
Rats and mice can be found in and around every town and farm in the country. It is estimated that there is one rat for every person living in the United States.  Rodents have followed man to almost all parts of the world. They have no respect for social class; they are equal opportunity pests.

Sanitary Sewage Dumping Stations Planning Guide

Sanitary Sewer/Lift Station Specifications and Clearances

Sewage Holding Tanks - or - PDF
In essence, only temporary holding tanks can be approved, and only for a maximum of two years operation.

Soil Survey and Plan Review Submittal Status.
This page indicates the current status of soil survey submittals and plans for a commercial sewage disposal projects that have been submitted for review. Follow the county link to see the status of any project ongoing in that particular county.

Wastewater Storage and Disposal in Campgrounds - or - PDF
This Guideline identifies consistent and uniform procedures and methods for the safe and proper methods for wastewater storage and disposal and clarify appropriate use of holding tanks in recreational vehicle campgrounds.

Water Main/Line Specifications and Clearances