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Water Supply Information

Program Overview

Welcome to the home page for the Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH) Environmental Public Health (EPH) Division's Water Supply Program.  The Division seeks to insure safe facilities, proper water supply, and proper sewage disposal.

Announcements / Current News

COVID-19 Information
School Water Safety Webinar Link (Pre-Recorded - 39 minutes) / Slides PDF
To support schools across Indiana, this webinar is hosted by the Indiana State Department of Health in cooperation with Purdue University.  Due to the pandemic, buildings including schools have gone to low or no occupancy for an extended period of time - and thus building water use has also decreased significantly.  Under low or no water use conditions, water safety can become a challenge.  The purpose of this event is to provide school administrators, nurses, and facility managers helpful information about building water system safety.  A brief review of potential water safety concerns coupled with actionable strategies will be provided for participants to consider for their campus and associated buildings. 

With office and other workplace buildings vacated due to the state’s stay at home order, the integrity of building water systems and the quality of the water within those systems will need some consideration before reoccupying.  The Building Water System Startup Guidance offers local health departments and building operators general instructions toward reopening their facilities and associated water systems in a safe and healthy manner.



Indiana Certified Water Laboratories
Pre-Approved Automatic Hot Water Temperature Control Valves
Pre-approved Exterior Drinking Fountains and Yard Hydrants
Pre-approved Exterior Water and Sewer Piping


Order Form for Drinking Water Sample Bottle
Anyone can submit a drinking water sample for sodium, nitrate, or bacteriological analysis by the ISDH Laboratory.  The ISDH laboratory will provide a sterilized sample bottle with shipping form and container, upon payment of the necessary fee.

Program Information

Backflow Device Testers 
Indiana Professional Licensing Agency – License Express website.

Drinking Water Basics
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) encourages all Americans to learn more about the quality of their drinking water at home and in the community.  The link provides access to Consumer Confidence Reports, Home Water Testing, Lead in Drinking Water, and Private Drinking Water Well information.

Community-Small and Medium Drinking Water Systems
This IDEM web page has information on small and medium community drinking water systems.
The page has information on: 
 - Overview of Indiana Monitoring, Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements
 - Operation and Management of a Public Water Supply
 - Overview of Drinking Water Regulations
 - Planning for Emergencies
 - Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) Responsibilities
 - Public Health Considerations for Drinking Water Suppliers
 - Regulatory Enforcement
 - Future Regulatory Changes
 - Glossary of Terms and Acronyms
 - National Drinking Water Standards & Drinking Water Public Notification
 - IDEM Drinking Water Branch Contacts
 - USEPA Contacts

Cross-Connection Control & Backflow Prevention Manual 2013 Edition
This document has been generated by the Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) to provide general guidelines regarding cross-connection control and backflow prevention in the State of Indiana. This manual is intended to serve as an informative and useful introductory reference for backflow prevention.

Included in this manual are the Indiana Administrative Codes governing cross-connection control and backflow, including codes administered by the Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH) and IDEM, as well as the Indiana Plumbing Code. Guidelines for developing a cross-connection control program are also included. A section explaining the legal liability associated with cross connections and backflow is additionally provided for reference. The technical aspects of some common cross-connection control devices and backflow prevention devices are also presented.

Depth to Water Lines for Freeze Protection Map
This map, from Bulletin S.E 13, shows the depth of frost penetration for Indiana Counties.

Directions for Disinfecting Wells and Water Sources (ISDH - EPH)
This document details necessary information for the proper sanitizing of wells or other private water sources after a flood, and before the water supply is again put to use. For additional information on disinfecting wells the Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) has a Fact Sheet on Well Disinfection

Directions for Treating Drinking Water in Small Quantities (ISDH- EPH)
In emergencies, or as a temporary measure, water from contaminated or suspect sources can be disinfected by either chlorination or boiling. This document provides step by step instructions for treating contaminated water so it may be used for drinking or cooking.

Water Quality in Indiana (IDEM)
IDEM Office of Water Quality (OWQ) contains links to detailed compliance reports, technical assistance and public drinking water information.  Additionally the IDEM OWQ manages programs related to wastewater compliance and permitting, watershed assessment and planning.

EPA National Primary Drinking Water Standards
Information from the Indiana Department of Environmental Management on the EPA chemical contaminant levels for safe drinking water.

Frost-free Hydrants Policy - or - PDF
Frost-proof (or freeze free) hydrants with stop and waste valves which, when turned off, drain back and discharge through subsurface outlets are not approved for use in public facilities. This policy relates to water distribution systems serving properties and commercial facilities under the jurisdiction of the State Department of Health (ISDH).

Water Availability, Use & Rights Frequently Asked Questions
The Indiana Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) Frequently Asked Questions about ground water and water wells include information on the proper abandonment techniques, ground water quality, driller and well requirements, and well-related records database.

Indiana Public Water Supply Database
This information is at the Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) web site. Using this portal, a person can determine for any public water supply its source water, treatment employed, population served, pertinent names addresses, and results of the most recent chemical and bacteriological testing conducted.

Lead in Private Drinking Water Wells (ISDH - EPH)
Quick Facts

Maximum Contaminant Levels for Drinking Water
Information from the Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) on maximum chemical contaminant levels for safe drinking water.

Methane Gas & Your Water Well
A fact sheet for Indiana water well owners concerned with methane contaminants in well water.

Recommended Standards For Private Water Wells - or - PDF 
A guide for well drillers and homeowners in the construction of safe, usable wells, with standards for construction of wells and installation of pumps and appurtenances.

Testing Your Private Well
An ISDH brochure on private well testing aimed at supporting families understand the benefits of clean drinking water.

Ways to conserve water - or - PDF
Water conservation not only will save water; it saves energy, and it can save you money. Excessive water use burdens water utilities, overloads sewage treatment plants, and can cause residential septic systems to malfunction or fail.

Water Main/Line Specifications and Clearances

Water Outage or Boil Water Order 
This provides guidelines for school officials and local health departments who must respond to water outages or boil water orders, during school.

Water Well Drillers Rule 312 IAC 13 
Indiana Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) water well drillers rule.

Well Owner Organization
Information for consumers about groundwater and water wells.