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Proposed Rules

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 To comment on a proposed rule, scroll down to the rulemaking docket at the bottom of this page.  The rulemaking docket includes a table of all rules pending before the Natural Resources Commission. 


A "rule" is the whole or any part of a state agency statement of general applicability that: (1) has or is designated to have the effect of law; and (2) implements, interprets, or prescribes: (A) law or policy; or (B) the organization, procedure, or practice requirements of the state agency. (IC 4-22-2-3)

Petition for Rule Change

The Commission developed a process by which a person may Petition for a rule change for rules within the Commission's jurisdiction. Included is any rule proposal submitted by an individual, a corporation, an association, a local unit of government, another state agency, a federal agency, or another person. The person may seek the adoption of a new rule, an amended rule, a recodified rule, a rule repeal or a similar action with respect to a nonrule policy document.

Rule Adoption

The Commission's Division of Hearings uses an unofficial checklist to assist with rule adoptions.  An abbreviated form of the checklist is included as an informal reference.

Comment On A Proposed Rule

The Natural Resources Commission adopted nonrule policy document, Information Bulletin #55. The primary purpose of this bulletin is to encourage consistency, transparency and efficiency in the development of hearing officer reports by employees of the Division of Hearings to the Natural Resources Commission. Information Bulletin #55 clarifies that citizens must identify themselves when filing comments in order for those comments to be included in a report or to be considered by a hearing officer in an analysis. The nonrule policy document also clarifies that public comments will be accepted through the rulemaking docket, if sent to the Commission by regular mail, or if approved by the Commission, by telephone.

Director's Annual Report (IC 4-22-2-28.1)

In accordance with IC 4-22-2-28.1, the 2020 Director's Annual Report, with respect to the function of the small business regulatory coordinators assigned to Indiana Administrative Rules adopted under Title 312 Natural Resources Commission, has been submitted to the Legislative Council and to the Small Business Ombudsman designated under IC 5-28-17-6.


Rulemaking Docket

In accordance with IC 4-22-2.1-6, comments from the Indiana Economic Development Corporation Comments (IEDC) are made available with respect to the following rule amendments:  LSA Document #18-272; LSA Document #18-316; Document #18-508.

  • The IEDC comments are also available for inspection and copying at the offices of the Natural Resources Commission, Indiana Government Center-North, 100 North Senate Avenue, Room N103, Indianapolis, Indiana. The comments are also made available at the public hearings as required by IC 4-22-2-26.

Comments may be submitted for pending rule proposals by regular mail or through the rulemaking docket.  However, to assure that comments are directed to the proper rule proposal, comments will not be accepted until the Legislative Services Agency has published a "Notice of Intent to Adopt a Rule" ("NOI") in the Indiana Register or the Commission has directed the posting of the proposed rule language given preliminary adoption to the rulemaking docket.

Residency information and any other information submitted through this rule docket form is provided to the Natural Resources Commission (NRC)  and the Department of Natural Resources (DNR). Members of the general public may access the information by making a request to the Commission or by searching the Commission’s web site or docket. Your email is required for the completion of this form for purpose of contacting you if clarification of your comment is needed.

To request a copy of comments submitted for a proposed rule package, or any other written information associated with a proposed rule, send your request to the Commission by regular mail or by email. Please provide the LSA Document number as listed in the rulemaking docket in your request.

Comments and any other written information may be inspected at the office of the NRC, Division of Hearings, Indiana Government Center North, 100 North Senate Avenue, Room N103, Indianapolis, Indiana.

If the length and detail of your comment is such that your comment will not fit within the rulemaking docket comment form, please mail your comment to the following address: Natural Resources Commission, Division of Hearings, 100 North Senate Avenue, Room N103, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204-2200.

Final Commission Action: To the extent practical, the Commission will take final action on proposed rule amendments at its next scheduled meeting following the date of the last public hearing. The timeline in the rulemaking docket below is subject to change, but will be periodically updated as the rule adoption process proceeds.

Find the proposed rule in the table below on which you wish to submit a comment; and then click on "comment on this rule" at the end of the row associated with the proposed rule on which you wish to comment.

*Please note that the comment period deadline may have ended for some of the rule proposals listed in the table. If the comment period has ended for a particular rule, the "comment on this rule" link will be replaced with the message "Comment period closed".

Click on "Rule Name" to arrange list in alphabetical order.