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User Fees Resolution

Information Bulletin #33
User Fees in Support of Programs of the Department of Natural Resources
(Published in the September 1, Indiana Register at 25 IR 4249)

During its regular monthly meeting held on March 21, 2002, the Natural Resources Commission adopted the following resolution:


WHEREAS, the Department of Natural Resources is in great measure founded upon the time-honored principles and ideals of Colonel Richard Lieber as set forth in 1917 in his Conservation of the New Patriotism and in other documents;

WHEREAS, included among these is the philosophy every person must serve as a trustee of the nation for our natural resources;

WHEREAS, in furtherance of this philosophy Colonel Lieber urged, in the development of state parks in Indiana and throughout the nation, that those enjoying our resources should contribute to their protection and maintenance through the payment of reasonable fees such as for admission, parking, and camping;

WHEREAS, fees paid by persons who receive services or enjoy the benefits of natural or cultural resources have come to be commonly known as "user fees";

WHEREAS, excessive dependence on general funding from the Indiana General Assembly can threaten the consistency of services and the integrity of resources, particularly during periods of economic recession

WHEREAS, the Department of Natural Resources is actively seeking, through increases in user fees, to address challenges to the agency and to its varied responsibilities as trustee for Indiana's natural and cultural resources;

WHEREAS, this effort helps assure those who enjoy the agency's services and impact natural and cultural resources will bear a more equitable share of the associated costs;

WHEREAS, this effort will help protect the consistency of agency services and the integrity of resources both now and in future, particularly during periods of economic recession; and

WHEREAS, this effort is consistent with the time-honored philosophy of Colonel Richard Lieber

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED the Natural Resources Commission endorses the current initiatives by the Department of Natural Resources to increase user fees and to reduce dependence both now and in the future upon general funding.