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Stormwater Improvements Program

Property owners in many communities across the state of Indiana suffer from flooded property and sewer backups due to inadequate stormwater management. Flooding is expensive to clean up, depresses property values, and degrades water quality. With increasingly severe weather and overloaded sewer systems, experts say the cost will continue to rise.

The goals of the Stormwater Improvements Program are to:

  • Reduce flooding
  • Cut stormwater treatment and energy costs
  • Protect rivers, lakes, and vital landscape
  • Generate jobs and spur economic revitalization

A maximum grant award of $600,000 is in effect for all Stormwater Improvements projects. The maximum award is not intended to serve as a target figure for requests for grant assistance. OCRA will review the level of grant assistance requested and will consider the appropriateness of the project’s scope, the level of demonstrated need and the financial resources of the applicant. If OCRA determines that a lesser amount is appropriate, it may be necessary to revise the project before it is submitted in final form. A local match of 10% of the total project cost will be required for consideration of funding.

The amount of CDBG funds granted will be based on a $5,000 cost per project beneficiary. General types of activities that are eligible for SIP funding include stormwater improvements (retention, lines, etc.) 




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