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Companion Animals (Dogs, Cats)
Dog, Cat and Ferret Entry Requirements
Click here for the requirements to bring dogs, cats and ferrets into Indiana.
Importing Pets into the U.S. (USDA)
NEW in 2019: Dogs, Cats Imported from Other Countries
Animal transporters must provide a certificate of veterinary inspection (CVI) to those receiving international dogs and cats in Indiana. Those who receive international dogs and/or cats must email a copy of the CVI to the Indiana State Board of Animal Health within 30 days after the animal is received. Email:
Movements Out of Indiana
Before moving animals to another state, always call the state-of-destination for that state's requirements. Click here for a list of other state animal health offices.
Commercial Dog Breeder and Broker
Health & Disease Information
Canine Brucellosis
Reportable Diseases (all species)