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Securing Indiana's Pork Industry

Swine / Pigs

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Swine Entry Requirements

Click here for the requirements to bring swine into Indiana

NOTE: Indiana's swine entry requirements apply to all swine including: commercial, exhibition, and pet pigs such as pot belly, micro and mini pigs.

Pre-entry Permit
Swine are required to have a pre-entry permit before entering Indiana. Permits may be obtained online or over the phone.

Pre-Entry Permit Online
Call BOAH toll-free at: 877-747-3038, Mon.-Fri. from 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Commuter Herd Agreements
A commuter herd agreement may simplify the requirements for interstate movement of swine in commercial production systems. A commuter herd agreement is a written agreement among the owner(s) of a herd and the animal health officials for the states-of-origin and destination specifying the conditions required for the interstate movement from one premises to another in the course of normal livestock management operations. A commuter herd agreement may be renewed annually. Requirements to establish a commuter herd agreement include a detailed, written Swine Production Health Plan; herd health inspections every 30 days by an accredited veterinarian; and notification to the accredited veterinarian in charge and the sending and receiving states prior to each interstate movement of swine between premises within a swine production system. If interested in learning more about the requirements for a commuter herd agreement, please contact BOAH's Swine Health Programs Director at kwerling@boah.in.gov or (317) 607-7071.

Guidelines for Interstate Movement of Swine within a Production System

Movements Out of Indiana

Before moving animals to another state, always call the state-of-destination for that state's requirements. Click here for a list of other state animal health offices.

Traceability and Identification


Health & Disease Information

Swine-Related Web Links